Week 14 - Page Five

Year Five delves into the past at the National Archives ... and meets a rat!

With the National Archives on our doorstep in Kew it was the obvious stop for our Year Five children to hunt out some original historical sources, as part of their studies on Victorian life. During their workshop, the young historians saw some heartbreaking documents on Victorian child criminals and were shocked at the harsh sentences meted out for minor crimes. They learned it was much tougher to be a child in the nineteenth century, especially, if you were poor. The also got to meet a 3D, computer generator rat - a replica of one that was infamous at the Archives and ate it's way through some very important documents.


Young People in Crisis:

The link below contains useful learning resources from Healthy Teen Minds and Health Education England for supporting young people in crisis.

They are short 15 minute ‘learning guides’, delivered by young people with lived experience and are available free on their online learning platform - www.crisistools.org.uk .

Well done to Year Four for selling jewellery made from recyced plastic bags. They were inspired to turn their plastic materials into something useful after studying the book, 'One Plastic Bag,' based on the true story of Isatou Ceesay in Gambia. All funds raised will go to the Game Rangers Inernational charity in Zambia. As you can see from our picture, they virtually sold out! Well done Year Four. Watch this space for more fantastic Four fundraising for this worthy cause.