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@ Yonsei (2013-)

49. Park J, Lee E, Kim CH, Ohk J, Jung H (2024)

Mosaicism-independent mechanisms contribute to Pcdh19-related epilepsy and repetitive behaviors in Xenopus

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A  121(21): e2321388121 (†corresponding authors).

48. Castillo PE, Jung H, Klann E, Riccio A (2023)

Presynaptic Protein Synthesis in Brain Function and Disease.

J Neurosci 43(45):7483-7488.

47. *Kim M, *Kim H, Kang BG, Lee J, Kim T, Lee H, Jung J, Oh MJ, Seo S, Ryu MJ, Sung Y, Lee Y, Yeom J, Han G, Cha SS, Jung H, Kim HS (2023)

Discovery of a novel NAMPT inhibitor that selectively targets NAPRT-deficient EMT-subtype cancer cells and alleviates chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy

Theranostics 13(14):5075-5098 (*equal contributors, †corresponding authors).

46. *Jung J, *Ohk J, *Kim H, Holt CE, Park HJ, Jung H (2023)

mRNA transport, translation, and decay in adult mammalian central nervous system axons.

Neuron 111: 650-668 (*equal contributors, †corresponding authors).

45. *Choi B, *Kim H, Jang J, Park S, Jung H (2022)

Development and Degeneration of Retinal Ganglion Cell Axons in Xenopus tropicalis (Cover image)

Mol Cells 45(11):846-854 (*equal contributors, †corresponding author).

44. Park HJ, Jung H (2022)

Neuro-immune interactions at single-cell resolution in neurodevelopmental, infectious, and neurodegenerative diseases.

Anim Cells Syst 26(4):137-147 (†corresponding author).

43. *Yoon MJ, *Choi B, Kim EJ, Ohk J, Yang C, Choi YG, Lee J, Kang C, Song HK, Kim YK, Woo JS, Cho Y, Choi EJ, Jung H, Kim C (2021)

UXT chaperone prevents proteotoxicity by acting as an autophagy adaptor for p62-dependent aggrephagy. 

Nat Commun 12(1):1955 (*equal contributors, †corresponding authors).

42. Jin C, Lee Y, Kang H, Jeong K, Park J, Zhang Y, Kang HR, Ma R, Seong H, Kim Y, Jung H, Kim JY, Kim YK, Han K (2021)

Increased ribosomal protein levels and protein synthesis in the striatal synaptosome of Shank3-overexpressing transgenic mice.

Mol Brain 14:39.

41. Park J, Kim JY, Kim YR, Huang M, Chang JY, Sim AY, Jung H, Lee WT, Hyun YM, Lee JE (2021)

Reparative System Arising from CCR2(+) Monocyte Conversion Attenuates Neuroinflammation Following Ischemic Stroke.

Transl Stroke Res doi: 10.1007/s12975-020-00878-x

40. Lee H, Chin H, Kim H, Jung H, Lee D (2020)

STAT3-mediated MLST8 gene expression regulates cap-dependent translation in cancer cells.

Mol Oncol 14: 1850–1867.

39. Kim E, Jung H (2020)

Local mRNA translation in long-term maintenance of axon health and function.

Curr Opin Neurobiol 63:15-22 (†corresponding author).

38. Shigeoka T, Koppers M, Wong HH, Lin JQ, Cagnetta R, Dwivedy A, de Freitas Nascimento J, van Tartwijk FW, Ströhl F, Cioni JM, Schaeffer J, Carrington M, Kaminski CF, Jung H, Harris WA, Holt CE (2019)

On-Site Ribosome Remodeling by Locally Synthesized Ribosomal Proteins in Axons.

Cell Rep 29(11):3605-3619.e10.

37. Kim JY, Kim JY, Kim JH, Jung H, Lee WT, Lee JE (2019)

Restorative Mechanism of Neural Prognitor Cells Overexpressing Arginine Decarboxylase Genes Following Ischemic Injury. 

Exp Neurobiol 28(1):85-103.

36. Ryu I, Won YS, Ha H, Kim E, Park Y, Kim MK, Kwon DH, Choe J, Song HK, Jung H, Kim YK (2019)

eIF4A3 Phosphorylation by CDKs Affects NMD during the Cell Cycle. 

Cell Rep 26(8):2126-2139.

35. Chang H, Yeo J, Kim JG, Kim H, Lim J, Lee M, Kim HH, Ohk J, Jeon HY, Lee H, Jung H, Kim KW, Kim VN (2018)

Terminal Uridylyltransferases Execute Programmed Clearance of Maternal Transcriptome in Vertebrate Embryos.

Mol Cell 70(1):72-82.

34. Shigeoka T, Jung J, Holt CE, †Jung H (2018)

Axon-TRAP-RiboTag: Affinity Purification of Translated mRNAs from Neuronal Axons in Mouse In Vivo. 

Methods Mol Biol 1649:85-94 (†corresponding author).

33. *Yoo Y, *Jung J, Lee YN, Lee Y, Cho H, Na E, Hong J, Kim E, Lee JS, Lee JS, Hong C, Park SY, Wie J, Miller K, Shur N, Clow C, Ebel RS, DeBrosse SD, Henderson LB, Willaert R, Castaldi C, Tikhonova I, Bilguvar K, Mane S, Kim KJ, Hwang YS, Lee SG, So I, Lim BC, Choi HJ, Seong JY, Shin YB, †Jung H, †Chae JH, †Choi M (2017)

GABBR2 mutations determine phenotype in rett syndrome and epileptic encephalopathy.

Ann Neurol 82(3):466-78 (*equal contributors, †corresponding authors).

32. Ohk J, Jung H (2017)

Visualization and quantitative analysis of embryonic angiogenesis in Xenopus tropicalis.

J Vis Exp 123. doi: 10.3791/55652 (†corresponding author).

31. Kang S, Kim CH, Jung H, Kim E, Song HT, Lee JE (2017) 

Agmatine ameliorates type 2 diabetes induced-Alzheimer's disease-like alterations in high-fat diet-fed mice via reactivation of blunted insulin signalling. 

Neuropharmacology 113:467-4

30. Kim J, Jang J, Yang C, Kim EJ, Jung H, Kim C (2016) 

Vimentin filament controls integrin alpha5beta1-mediated cell adhesion by binding to integrin through its Ser38 residue.

FEBS Lett 590(20):3517-3525 (cover image).

29. *Yang C, *Ohk J, *Lee JY, Kim EJ, Kim J, Han S, Park D, †Jung H, †Kim C (2016) 

Calmodulin mediates Ca2+-dependent inhibition of Tie2 signaling and acts as a developmental brake during embryonic angiogenesis. 

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 36(7):1406-1416 (*equal contributors, †corresponding authors).

28. Kim J, Yang C, Kim EJ, Jang J, Kim SJ, Kang SM, Kim MG, Jung H, Park D, Kim C (2016) 

Vimentin filaments regulate integrin-ligand interactions by binding to the cytoplasmic tail of integrin beta3. 

J Cell Sci 129(10):2030-2042.

27. *Shigeoka T, *†Jung H, Jung J, Turner-Bridger B, Ohk J, Lin JQ, Amieux PS, †Holt CE (2016) 

Dynamic axonal translation in developing and mature visual circuits. 

Cell 166(1):181-192 (*equal contributors, †corresponding authors).

26. Jung J, †Jung H (2016) 

Methods to analyze cell type-specific gene expression profiles from heterogeneous cell populations. 

Animal Cells Syst 20(3):113-117 (†corresponding author).

25. *Jung H, *Mithal DS, Park JE, Miller RJ (2015) 

Localized CCR2 Activation in the Bone Marrow Niche Mobilizes Monocytes by Desensitizing CXCR4. 

Plos One 10:e0128387  (*equal contributors, †corresponding author)

24. Kim E, †Jung H (2015) 

Local protein synthesis in neuronal axons: why and how we study. 

BMB Rep 48(3):139-146 (†corresponding author).

23. Jung H, Gkogkas CG, Sonenberg N, Holt CE (2014) 

Remote Control of Gene Function by Local Translation. 

Cell 157(1):26-40.


As a graduate or postdoctoral student (-2013)

22. Adamah-Biassi E, Zhang Y, Jung H, Vissapragada S, Miller R, Dubocovich M (2013) 

Distribution of MT1 Melatonin Receptor Promoter-Driven RFP Expression in the Brains of BAC C3H/HeN Transgenic Mice. 

J Histochem Cytochem 62:70-84.

21. Jung H, Yoon BC, Holt CE (2012) 

Axonal mRNA localization and local protein synthesis in nervous system assembly, maintenance and repair. 

Nat Rev Neurosci 13:308-324.

20. *Yoon BC, *Jung H, Dwivedy A, O'Hare CM, Zivraj KH, Holt CE (2012) 

Local translation of extranuclear lamin B promotes axon maintenance. 

Cell 148:752-764 (*equal contributors).

19. Bhattacharyya BJ, Wilson SM, Jung H, Miller RJ (2011) 

Altered neurotransmitter release machinery in mice deficient for the de-ubiquitinating enzyme, Usp14. 

Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302(4):C698-708.

18. Jung H, Holt CE (2011)

Local translation of mRNAs in neural development. 

Wiley Interdiscip Rev RNA 2:153-165.

17. Banisadr G, Frederick TJ, Freitag C, Ren D, Jung H, Miller SD, Miller RJ (2011) 

The role of CXCR4 signaling in the migration of transplanted oligodendrocyte progenitors into the cerebral white matter. 

Neurobiol Dis 44:19-27.

16. *Jung H, *O'Hare CM, Holt CE (2011)

Translational regulation in growth cones. 

Curr Opin Genet Dev 21:458-464 (* equal contributors).

15. Wilson NM, Jung H, Ripsch MS, Miller RJ, White FA (2011) 

CXCR4 signaling mediates morphine-induced tactile hyperalgesia. 

Brain Behav Immun 25:565-573.

14. Tysseling VM, Mithal D, Sahni V, Birch D, Jung H, Miller RJ, Kessler JA (2011) 

SDF1 in the dorsal corticospinal tract promotes CXCR4+ cell migration after spinal cord injury. 

J Neuroinflammation 8:16.

13. *Drinjakovic J, *Jung H, Campbell DS, Strochlic L, Dwivedy A, Holt CE (2010) 

E3 ligase Nedd4 promotes axon branching by down-regulating PTEN. 

Neuron 65:341-357 (* equal contributors).

12. Jung H, Bhangoo S, Banisadr G, Freitag C, Ren D, White FA, Miller RJ (2009) 

Visualization of chemokine receptor activation in transgenic mice reveals peripheral activation of CCR2 receptors in states of neuropathic pain. 

J Neurosci 29:8051-8062 (Introduced in Neuron  8064(8051): 8055-8058:  "Neural-Immune Select").

11. Belmadani A, Jung H, Ren D, Miller RJ (2009) 

The chemokine SDF-1/CXCL12 regulates the migration of melanocyte progenitors in mouse hair follicles. 

Differentiation 77:395-411.21.  

10. Miller RJ, Jung H, Bhangoo SK, White FA (2009)

Cytokine and chemokine regulation of sensory neuron function.

Handb Exp Pharmacol:417-449.

9. Bhattacharyya BJ, Banisadr G, Jung H, Ren D, Cronshaw DG, Zou Y, Miller RJ (2008) 

The chemokine stromal cell-derived factor-1 regulates GABAergic inputs to neural progenitors in the postnatal dentate gyrus. 

J Neurosci 28:6720-6730.

8. Jung H, Toth PT, White FA, Miller RJ (2008)

Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 functions as a neuromodulator in dorsal root ganglia neurons.

J Neurochem 104:254-263.

7. Jung H, Miller RJ (2008) 

Activation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells (NFAT) mediates upregulation of CCR2 chemokine receptors in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons: A possible mechanism for activity-dependent transcription in DRG neurons in association with neuropathic pain. 

Mol Cell Neurosci 37:170-177.

6. White FA, Jung H, Miller RJ (2007)

Chemokines and the pathophysiology of neuropathic pain.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104:20151-20158.

5. Son GH, Park E, Jung H, Han J, Lee KH, Seong JY, Kim K (2005)

GnRH pre-mRNA splicing: solving the mystery of a nature's knockout, hpg mouse. 

Biochem Biophys Res Commun 326:261-267.

4. Choe Y, Jung H, Khang I, Kim K (2003)

Selective roles of protein kinase C isoforms on cell motility of GT1 immortalized hypothalamic neurones.

J Neuroendocrinol 15:508-515.

3. *Son GH, *Jung H, Seong JY, Choe Y, Geum D, Kim K (2003)

Excision of the first intron from the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) transcript serves as a key regulatory step for GnRH biosynthesis.

J Biol Chem 278:18037-18044 (* equal contributors).

2. Jung H, Choe Y, Kim H, Park N, Son GH, Khang I, Kim K (2003)

Involvement of CLOCK:BMAL1 heterodimer in serum-responsive mPer1 induction.

Neuroreport 14:15-19.

1. Son GH, Geum D, Jung H, Kim K (2001)

Glucocorticoid inhibits growth factor-induced differentiation of hippocampal progenitor HiB5 cells.

J Neurochem 79:1013-1021.