Synopsys Astro Tutorial

An End User’s Guide for Synopsys Astro in  Linux Environment

This chapter guides you through the place and route process of an OpenRISC 32-bit microprocessor control unit.

The Verilog source code can be found at

Environment Variable

You have to source an important shell script file before running Astro properly. Please open a x-terminal and type commands shown as follows:

[ylai@ee107 ~]$ csh

[g123456@ee107 ~]$ source /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/license.csh

[g123456@ee107 ~]$ source /usr/cad/synopsys/CIC/astro.cshrc

The system will prompt you a message “Platform = linux”once everything is set properly.

Starting Astro

Open a terminal and type the following:

[g123456@ee101 ~]$ Astro&

The Astro application should now be visible on the screen.

Figure 1 - Astro


The complete Astro tutorial is available in pdf format.