

A few things off of my chest. I'm not a fair man. On one side - my ex and I are trying to rehash an issue what I thought to be was over. On the other side, I'm not equal to the girl that I'm seeing. She tries to understand what I'm going through and is very frustrated with the outcomes that abruptly happens. I don't blame her. It's the baggage that is attached to me. She is right now anger with me over a stupid issue on which I did not want to tell her. Why? Because this would happen. What do I mean by this? I tell her everything, but when I try to shield her from issues that involves my ex, she wants to know and in turn gets her blood boiled because it is about my ex, yells at me about it, then it turn becomes frustrated and finally leaves me alone. During that time when she wants to know, she tries to rationally talk to me about it, but the down side is that it's not rationality that leaves her mouth, it's anger. She tells me how I should be doing things and at times (well 95%) she's right, but I don't do that. Something else that I cannot describe tells me that I should do it a different way and yes, it does get me in trouble 50% of the times. Do I feel better that I have done it this way? Yes and no. No, because I should have listened to my girl. Yes, because, well, I would have regretted if I didn't do it what my gut felt.

It feels weird. Well, weird is not a good word. How do you describe a feeling where something is out of place, but at the same time it is not. This object is special, I mean really special and I want to squeeze the bejesus out of it, but at the same time its not good for me. An object that makes me sad and happy, depressed and joyous all at the same time. The look of despair and grief, kindness and love mixed into one. It is something that I want to have for the rest of my life, but I know it will kill me if I continue with it one day by trusting people and putting my faith in humanity. I believe people can change. Even if you've done harm to me, or changed their mind on me so many times, or send me hurtful text messages that all I do is cry for a while before I put my big boy pants back on and try to forget about it. This object dictates my life, but also roams freely. It is the feeling of having everything in life, but nothing and that all is meaningless.

I am sorry about a lot of things. I don't mean to harm anyone. I don't mean to be unfair. I'm just trying to sort out my life. It is something that I've been trying to work on for a few years now. No, its not some random spiritual journey bullshit. Not into that crazy scheme. I'm into something a bit more complicated than that. Everyday, I've been reading bits and pieces of my faith trying to understand what it means to be Muslim. I've been given to fronts on what type of a person I am and to tell you the truth, each side tells it how it sees it. One side tells me that I'm a horrible person that what I have done is wrong (aka divorce and how I've ruined my future, my children's future, my life, my family, ex's family, ex's life, etc). I'm the Ruinator of all that is good and holy basically. On the other side, I'm the most fair person that has ever lived on the face of this planet. That I am one in a million and that I should never change. I am not the so called Ruinator because I am the Preserver of all that is good and holy.

I dunno. I just don't handle well with confrontation. Sometimes I just don't want to talk. Sometimes I just don't want to do anything. Sometimes I just want to sit down and do nothing. At times, this is the best for me. Other times, I have someone nagging me telling me that I am not safe unless I'm with her and she's right. So, I'm going to sleep so she can keep me safe from all the harm that is happening in my life and hopefully one day, inshallah, that I'll be able to do the same for her because truly I'm not being fair and I need to be fair.


So one of my customers had website issues. I figured out 2 things:

1. I hate wordpress plugins. They update whenever they feel like it. When the do update, just gotta deactivate, update, reactivate.

2. 404 Error - Need to change it to the default page of <> or something like that.


Yes! The book is available for purchase.

I started to apply to Home Depot, Best Buy, Verizon, and etc. I'm starting to get desperate. I hope Dementia does well (bisnallah) so I can continue doing this.


A few things comes to my mind.

1. Oh My God! I've uploaded Madmen of Dementia to Amazon. It is officially online to buy! Well, its still waiting for review, but still.

2. This economy sucks. How does HR know if I'm good enough or not?

3. If I do well (inshallah) in selling Dementia, then MetroHealth is the best thing that had happened to me.

4. Business cards and copyright.


So I finished watching Hulk vs Wolverine. I do have to say - I fucking love Deadpool!

That is not today's topic! Today's topic is about being a fucking storyteller. We're not called writers, so take that obsolete ideology and shove it. We are called storytellers and have been for ages! Why storytellers? Well, for one, we are so imaginary that we make up as we go!


Last night, she walked down the street with her hands in the air like she just didn't care. Everyone laughed at her, but the woman did not care. She sang her favorite song loudly and hummed at the words she did not know. People stood in their places watching the woman making a fool out of herself.

Something like that. It's a bit shit, but give me time and I can produce a 1 page paper about the loud and proud woman.

Anyways, I've started back history on Albatross like who the fuck is he. I've also introduced a few other characters who, well, are have made their debut or going to make their grand entrance. So far, progress for this next book is going pretty well in such a sense of whenever I have the free time. Yes, I should make more time than what I'm giving myself, but I don't wanna!

No - that shouldn't be the attitude. What happens when I start sharing my stories on a full time basis? Shit? Seriously? Like getting paid to put my sick and twisted imagination on paper? Hell yeahs! Dude, the day I actually make it as a storyteller is the day I pay off my house and other frivolous debt that I owe. Well, I've put down a 5 year plan so I think I'll be able to make it.

You know what's even better than storytelling? My stories being told on the big screen! How bloody cool would that be?


Today I came across an image in my feed from Facebook. My friend's wife added this to her timeline on FB. Now, I don't tell what people should or should not post in their timeline, but for goodness sake's people, please stop being fucking ignorant! Here is the picture in question:

I love the fact that these types of people are still hiding behind their ignorance about how "religion" is about loving one another. Did you not read the Bible? Torah? Qu'ran? God sent down messengers and prophets to tell these sinful creatures "hey, what you're doing is wrong! Wise up or else!" Seriously! I'm not here to look for an excuse to hate, I'm here to tell you dumb bastards to RTFM (RTFB, RTFT, RTFQ). Religion dictates what your faith is all about. It will have the good and the bad. It should tell you to go read a fucking book so you can understand why religion says what it says and the benefits (or disadvantages) behind the reasoning.

Another thing that pisses me off about this is when people say "I don't like it when you shove religion down my throat," but go out of their way and saying "Religion is about loving one another!" What the fuck do you know about religion? If you don't want to learn the damn faith, then don't bring this bullshit up! Don't bring this bullshit up to a conversation. I've had that happen to me once. This chick I knew said the exact same damn thing " being gay is not a crime nor a sin." Well excuse me? Where did you get that idea missy? Did society say so? Fuck society. It's already corrupt like the mafia. Did your friends say its okay? Fuck your friends. They're just as ignorant as you fucking are. What? Jesus loves you no matter what? Not true. He probably loves everyone else except for you. People, learn to fucking read. Stop trying to nit pick a religion that already has rules and boundaries just to fit your life style.


Oh dear god. I had to scream multiple times within the day. I've finally transitioned into my new job and holy cow on a stick! IT IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!! I have a freaking window! A WINDOW. Yes yes, for many who know me, I get too excited over a window, but try being in the sub-basement for 3 years not where my mornings consist of before sunrise and my evenings consist of after sunset.

Nonetheless, the reason why I am screaming (in my head) several times was for not having any money. I'm a bit broke. I'm going through my savings (which isn't much to tell you the truth) and I'm hoping something good would come my way before the beginning of next week. I know, I'm hoping way too much, but still, I needs the monies. Some people have told me if I ever need the cash, just let them know. Here's the thing people - I don't ask for monies. I feel bad asking for it. Yes, I will pay you back, but I will fight you tooth and nail against receiving it. Eventually, I'll break down and accept, but that could be hours or days before I succumb to the monies. Alhumdullah I have enough to hopefully carry me through.

Other than that, I'm 6000 words in with the next book of Dementia. I'm really picking up speed on this one, maybe because I've got some experience from the last book. If anything, I'm looking at 2 months to finishing up the second book unlike the 6 months with Dementia. Where I am at in the story line, I hope to write it out exactly the way I thought of it. I know it will come out a bit differently because epic ideas can only last so long. However, I do hope that this second part of the saga will be bigger and better than the first. I have an awesome editor, who is making headway through Dementia: Book 1.

My biggest concern is getting Dementia known. Once that has been established and people are criticizing my book (good or bad) that my next biggest feat is getting a movie contract. Yes, I know, it's only a dream, but it has been a dream since the creation of Dementia. It would be awesome for someone like Peter Jackson, Guillermo del Toro or hell Jon Favreau to direct Dementia. I'd give my first born (sorry honey) for them to direct.

Anyways, as always have a good night and hopefully I'll have another entry in February.


Of the 5.5 years that I've worked at the Clinic:

I've gone through 4 bosses and 4 administrators.

We went from only 2 managers to 6 managers. 1 of those managers got fired and was replaced.

One of those managers became the "manager of managers" because he was allowed to do anything. So he stole from the department (can't bring proof, but when the man has a new phone and new PC every month and no record of ever giving it back to the IT department, I consider that stealing). Eventually the new admin took over in 2011 and the manager of managers was demoted to project coordinator.

The other manager was moved around so much, he had a hand in everything, like me, but on a management level.

The old admin left for another job within the clinic. This made the accountant to become our admin. He was admin for an entire year. Nothing got done.

The new admin (which is current to this day) was only supposed to be head of AGFA project. Funny story - he was a manager 6 months before I was hired on. They fired him because he was actually efficient and work actually got done. So he was hired onto Siemens for 4 years before making his arrival back as an admin.

The department admin was added under the admin. Both of them know each other and have worked for Siemens. It's a good fit for the department admin because I know shit gets done around here (as you can see).

We moved 3 times. We were told someone would take over our area so we had to leave. We did, across the hall. We found out that no one was going to take over our area, so we slowly moved back. We were then told in 2011 that we would have to move to the dungeon (Crile's sub basement). Funny part - we were promised a lot of things but the old administration was so corrupt, they didn't even gave two shits about us.

MC Ops and Regional Ops used to be 1 group. It was divided in 2009 to two groups. 1st group was under the other manager who moved around like me. The other was the one who got fired. He got fired because he was stealing (I don't have proof, but CCF does). He was fired in 2012. The Ops used to have only 6 people that covered 10 hospitals (not including Florida and Canada). Now MC Ops has 15 people and Regional has 10 people.

Nighthawk was changed to Overnight TeleRadiology. It now supports Hawaii, Texas, Colorado, Abu Dubai, Richfield, OH, CT and Massachusetts. We've added Medina in 2011/2012. Medina is part of the Regional Ops.

This department has grown exponentially. Yeah, the work is easy, but at the same time, no one does anything around here. It takes only a handful of people to do the work while others get away of doing things. It's really sad.

The hospital is a get out and go type of hospital. It no longer caters to the patients, but for the doctors. It's another business for the rich. To tell you how rich, there was one time I had to install an app for a doctor in Cardiology. His office was about the size of my entire area where my department sits and Film Library. Film Library is really huge. It' spans all of A Building (Crile) and plus some. That's how big the doctor's office was. He had his own bedroom, his own kitchen, it was like a condo was constructed for this doc alone. He brought to the clinic $3.4 million. I guess that's why they did that for him.

But all in all - I like Cleveland Clinic. It's a nice environment. Would I stay here? Probably not. It's too expensive. Healthcare is going up all the time. The wellness program is mandatory even though Toby says its not. It's mandatory because if you don't join, CCF will jack up the prices of the health insurance. Parking is expensive. They've increased the price on me twice. I used to get free parking a long time ago. Then I paid 30 bucks. Then I paid 65. To keep the parking price low, I had to park off campus which is a 5 minute drive (10 minutes for waiting on the bus) or a 14 min one way walking. The food here is expensive. Everything rose by $1.40.


And just like that, I've got the call that I've been waiting for.


Happy belated New Year.

Two things I enjoy the most:

1. The feeling of accomplishment of finishing up a book.

2. Getting money for web work.


Merry Holidays!


One thing to learn - leave everything in its root folder. I thought I learned from WordPress, but that was not the case. I'm installing phpBB3 for a client and I scratched my head trying to figure out why in the world the forum would not install. Just unzip and FTP. It is that simple. The next step in my configuration is converting the damn thing.

I sent the client an update to see if he likes it or not -->


I've got 2 fully operational websites under my belt.

3 Geeks & A Talk Show

Eaten Alive


Two things to note.

1. Happy 12.12.12 to everyone.

2. HO LE SHEEYT!!!! OVER 50,000!!!


So I've been in a bit of a bunch lately. So my book is almost done. Well I hope its almost done. I'm 48k words in and I've just started the epic fight between two groups. I would like to tell more, but I'm afraid that someone will steal my idea. So I'll explain after everyone reads it. I've also started a second job. It sucks a bit, but it is extra money coming into my pocket. I've also picked up web design. I've just finished installing WordPress and tell you the truth, it is much easier than what I thought it would be. Yeah, it took me a good hour to figure it out, but after playing with it for a good while, I figured out that anything that has to do with WordPress has to go the public_html folder. I mean everything. I was wondering basically why it gave me a 404 error, checked up a few forums and I was like - wow I'm an idiot. Nonetheless, I've got WordPress up. Now I just need to configure it and viola! Good to go!. Hopefully if the client likes it a lot, I can use this as a good starting point for my little side business. If not, oh well, it was worth the experience.


I'll have to explain later about why I am in an active mode of trying to look for a job. However, I found a few cool sites that have expanded my search and job postings:



Gov Jobs

Integrity Jobs


And this Debit Cards?


Two links I found very spiffy -

The Quran and the Bible

Quran Browser - Translation Search


For over the past several months, I've been slowly hammering away on what was originally a text message story that is now 32,000 word story. Well, its 32,000 now, but hopefully once I am done, this bad boy should be a little over 60,000 words making it a novel full of goodness and joy. Now, I am hoping to make some money off of it so I can live comfortably and never have to go in a 9 to 5 job ever again.


I can't sleep. Well, no that's not true. It's more like I'm trying to force myself to stay up for another 15 maybe 20 more minutes so I can wake up tomorrow at 7:30ish or so.

Bah. I'm not really good at writing blogs or things that should come to my mind. I'm better writing stories, allowing my mind to run wild with the imagination it is producing.


A few days ago I made this (Stuffed Chicken):

And oh dear god it was delicious! I took the recipe from and it has to be the most beautiful baked chicken I have ever made.


This is cc-radops v4

This is concept design of cc-radops v6. I skipped v5 because my boss wanted it to look like this (after building v4 and tweaking this bad boy for a few weeks, he came to me saying "we should do it this way instead --> Our intranet does not look like that, it actually looks like what v4 is.)


Two big projects on their way. First is the cc-radops website. It is taking a completely new look and feel to it. The 2nd project is paint the Shadow Hawk or now known as Sheila (I haven't thought of a good name for it so that's going to be the filler name for now).

Finally THIS and THAT. 'Nuff said.


Python and C++. It is the 2 languages I am going after right now. Learning a programming language is like learning a real language, you need time to practice and put it through use in a real world environment. Nobody learns just by reading.


This is going to be one weird weekend - Wedding, visiting friend in hospital, funeral.


I successfully rooted my phone. It's been something that I wanted to do for such a long time and now I finally did it. Thankfully I made a back up to my system so if anything does happen, its there. I made a set of instructions on how to root a Samsung Galaxy S II and can be found here.


Okay, so things I've been doing since I last posted. This site is not dead. Yes! NOT DEAD! It was just partially dying.....maybe not dying.

So far I've been working on a few websites (yay! business is slowly growing), starting going into web development (though I do really want to get into system programming) and a few other various stuff.

Did I mention I say the word "stuff" a lot now? Yeah, ever since the break up of Mourning Reign, I started saying more of "stuff" and less of "bah". Well it wasn't really a break up. It was more like "Here's the keys to the kingdom, have fun!"

Yeah, good times.


I think this is good bye google sites....We had fun times together.


So I am helping out a friend of mine with a mathematics course. The math course is Math for Business Majors II. I looked at the book and it is horrendous as it goes straight into problem solving without any explanation on why we're doing this from the start. No rules, no formulas, nothing. I've looked at the reviews on this book and many of the reviews state this book is very technical. Here I thought I'm never going to use my math books until this September. Man, did I think wrong.


I'm a bit behind on a few things. I'm hoping this year my life will be in order.


I just bought a Nissan Juke. Pictures coming soon!


I'm in an energetic mood! I've been walking around, jumping and sprinting around the house while rocking out to some of my music. My neighbors probably think that their living next to a crazy person as all the can see is me running around like an idiot.

So, I finally put a completed touches on MR (except for the history link). BEHOLD! MR's REVAMPED SITE!


It has been a couple of chaotic days now as I've not only been working on the Mourning Reign, but I've been getting my ass chewed out by one of the clinical managers at the hospital. Yay, fun times!

Is it wrong of me just to get my beating stick, show up at their offices and just lay down the law? At times I do feel this way and I really, really do want to act upon it. Maybe if I have another job lined up, it wouldn't be so bad.


I've finally started to update the guild's website. After 8 months of going live, I've decided to remove the forum and gallery as people are not using it as much as I thought it would and it is attracting spammers. I'm also removing the gallery. It seems like I'm the only one posting pictures.

I am moving the guild rules and recruitment to the front page. I am also adding a HISTORY link to the front page. Hmm, now I need to start brainstorming.


It is way too early in the morning to start thinking about ways to take care of an ticket at work.


Exciting news in the realm of Blackhand. Mourning Reign is 6 out of 7 bosses in Firelands! Last night was an marvelous night as we've downed Alysrazor and Majordomo Staghelm within a few hours and was able to get a glimpse of Ragnaros. I am so excited that our guild has progressed this far into Firelands!

In other news, I'm changing the layout of the Mourning Reign website. More to come!


I've called it Project: Bible as it will house all of our FAQs and troubleshooting for Radiology Informatics - Operation Support. This will always be changing with new information (or until I get fired/quit). Check it out!

Radiology Informatics Home Page

PACS - FAQ Closed




I've been working on building our "home" for the past few days at work. It has been an on again/off again project for the past year. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish it before I start to lose interest in it.



Candy time!


This weekend is going to suck. Why? Not only do I have to complete this project before Monday, but I am also on-call.

I hope all goes smoothly.


And that is it folks, a good relationship has ended.


Fucking hell. I've been in a pissed off mood since Friday evening and it is not shaking off. I'm just tired of the bullshit behind it. People need to grow the fuck up and speak up like adults instead of giving me crap. I'm done. I quit. Fuck it.

No more cold shoulder bullshit. Tomorrow (well technically today) is going to be an awesome day. How do I know? I said so, that's why.


Today has been good to me so far. Merfat drove by herself today, which scared me a bit. Thankfully she made it in one piece. I feel a bit better in my mood-wise. Hopefully, I'll be thinking other things and feel better when I'm at work. :)


HOLY FUCK! 2nd time in a row!!!


Fuck ya! Chief and I are in the Devil's Panties Comic again!

And in other news, Kilted Commandos site should be ready in 2012. Hope to see all of you then!

Finally, Mourning Reign website will have a complete redo. Stay Tuned.


I can't sleep. It is 11:30pm at night and my mind is whirling like a mad man maniacally laughing as he is scheming his latest evil plan. I am confused on what has happened within these past few hours and I do believe I will be more confused for tomorrow. Yet, I feel prepared. I've been the instigator of my own chaotic life within these past few weeks and adding fuel to my chaotic fire is not helping whatsoever. However, I'm quite enjoying it to the point where I don't want it to end or I will revert back to my old life.

I want to change. I want to do things I want to do, without any consequences, without any regret. I hate harming loved ones and I do everything in my power to keep them happy. Unfortunately, I am not happy and as someone once told me "you carry the world on your shoulders". I do. I bend over backwards to make everything go smoothly even if it comes to the cost of my own sanity, happiness and joy in life. I hate that, yet I can't stop it. It is not my nature to make people unhappy. How do I appease both parties in my life (loved ones and myself) without any sacrifices?

In other news, I just had this mandatory class called the Cleveland Clinic Experience. It was a complete waste of time, yet enjoyable nonetheless. People were grouped by 10 per table with a total of 300 people all together. I came to this "experience" late, actually 10 minutes late and I apologized for the lateness. However, after 20 minutes passed by 2 more people showed up and I took back my "apology". We were shown 3 videos. The first one was "what is the Cleveland Clinic experience?" What I got out of it was "MDs and Nurses". They did not show anything about the little guys (IT, environmental services, etc). After the video was over with, the coordinator started reading a pamphlet asking us what is "patient experience, clinical experience and employee experience".

I thought to myself, better to keep quiet as I am usually the type who speaks what's on his mind. However, I could not keep myself contained and the first thing I blurted out in response to a nurse talking about how it is hard for her to remember her password was "it is all about security hun". She paused and continued with the same old story I hear all the time "you should make it easier on me". I responded back with "listen, we just had a laptop stolen at an ICU during the day where there were people like yourself on these computer every day. If we made it 'easy on you', then the thief would have already broken into your account and have stolen vital information which is against HIPAA and PHI". She shuts up for a while, but I understood what she meant as the class progressed. My table included 3 nurses, 1 fellow, 1 nurse manager, 1 resident, 2 IT guys (including myself) and a research assistant.

The coordinator continued with her program, however each time she asks a question or tries to engage the group in something, the nurse, the manager, the resident or I have steered the conversation to a different outlook on what this "Cleveland Clinic Experience" is all about. The idea behind "patients saying negative comments" will be remembered and passed along more than positive comments is incorrect, yet the big wigs at Cleveland Clinic Foundation (CCF) are focusing on this intensely and trying to improve on fixing the negativity, than realizing that patients will bitch about the smallest thing even if they had the best time at CCF. This to me is paradox as how in the world are we #4 in the United States if we are all afraid about the negative comments that patients say? It hit me. This had nothing to do with "patient experience", but more of "profit experience". How do we maximize profit from every patient that comes to the clinic?

Instead of talking about this, we as a collective group unanimously agreed that we should talk about more realistic experiences such as my department screwing me over or how the resident's chairman cut out breakfast and lunch, which is worth $400 out of their stipend, but turn around and buy $400 LED LCD TVs for the resident's room, pocketing the remaining money. Nurses don't have enough room for supplies, the fellow who needs terrible change in working hours was told by his boss "I pay you or get out". The resident who works 110 hours a week, yet has to lie and document that he only worked 80, because if he doesn't lie, he will be written up as it is against the rules. The nurse manager who is not allowed to have an assistant nor allowed to hire anymore nurses, yet has 60 spots opened and is in dire need of help.

I learned today that Toby is an asshole due to a few things:

1. Smoking Exam - If you are a smoker, you have 90 days to go through this "quitting" therapy, then you will need to reapply for the position again.

2. Obesity - This hasn't been implemented yet, but if so, it will be just like #1 of this list.

3. Diet everything - Everything at the clinic is diet.

4. 2 hour questionnaire after completing the job application.

And other various, yet horrific things that I've been told not to repeat.

The one major thing I would like to ask is "why". It bothers me that so much money is being spent on the frivolous stuff, that the bigger picture is hidden away. What is the bigger picture? It is employee experience. If no one cares about the employees, then who will care for the patients?


Jesus Christ! I haven't been doing anything on this site for a very long time. I've been crazy lazy and busy all at the same time. Mourning Reign defeated 4 of the 7 bosses in Firelands, which I have to say is pretty damn good. Merfat passed her driver's test. She is a certified driver and now I'm looking at buying another vehicle. We've been looking at another living room and bedroom set to furnish our new home.

Other than that, I've lost a brother and gained 2 others.


230 characters in Mourning Reign! 230 characters! My guild has grown!


I've been lazy in updating this. No more.....


My stuff is starting to come together. Now I need to set it up and look badass with my costume.


Yes, yes. I am ashamed to say it. I've been lazy and haven't done much to the site since I bought the domain. I should probably do something with it before I get extremely bored of it.


30 more days left!


Here I thought I would never see this. Now to Firelands!


I did not attend the Glass City Con this past weekend, however my buddy, Chief, did and found the hard wood Bokken. Now I need to get a kilt that fits me and the Snake Eyes and that is it with my costume!

Update - I just bought the Snake Eyes. Now where did I put my measuring tape at?


Merfat took her driving test yesterday. She passed the maneuverability, but failed at the driving portion by 1 point. The passing score was 75, she got 74. I was very proud of her. She now has 3 months of driving in Egypt and I have faith that when she comes back, she'll pass the driving portion with flying colors.

My guild, Mourning Reign, tried the new raid, Firelands, in World of Warcraft and have gotten to the point where we are going through the trash a bit faster knowing what NPC does what and how to deal with it. Next week, we're going to attempt at the first boss, Beth'tilac, and learn the fight for it. I am happy at where this group is going and hopefully we'll be able to climb the ranks and become more of a raiding guild than a casual guild.


So excited as I'm doing my happy dance. Why, you might ask? 7th Circle happened. I've got 1 core team down raiding on the weekends and I'll be having another team built when some of the 7th Circle crew will be joining Mourning Reign. A lot has happened with a week or 2's time within World of Warcraft.

Also, 7 more days until Merfat takes the driving test. I really want her to pass as this will open more doors and opportunities for employment.



I think I found my last few items for the con.

Tactical Scabbard (not the one I just bought)

Hard Wood Bokken

Snake Eyes (goes well with the bokken)


I've bought it, though I haven't done anything to it yet. It's called This will be a joint collaboration between my good friend and I, which its divided into 2 main parts - the news/slice of life and the comic. We're figuring out the style and layouts now.


So in the next few days or so, I will be moving this little site of mine to an actual site. I've bought the domain and I will start to work on it afterwards.

This place will be missed.


I finally bought a house.

Sad part is Merfat is leaving me in a month.


We're getting our keys tomorrow for our new house! I'm so excited. Finally I've got a place of my own where I can do whatever I want without having any consequences (or Merfat getting mad at me). We'll start moving smaller boxes and items Wednesday night and continue until all the bigger item tickets are left at apartment.

On another note, the domain name that I'm tempted to buy has not yet been taken. I would definitely buy it right now, but I've got no money. However, I'll most definitely get it next Tuesday. This means, I'll be moving this site over to the new domain.


Woohoo!! Busy day! Though I remembered saying that I am unable to work a double shift this week (for the AGFA project), it seems like I am the only one who is capable/reliable of doing such a task. Enough said on this.

So I'm tempted to buy another domain and make it my blog/comic site. I want to broaden my experience in using XHTML/HTML and CSS. I have a few domain names that I would like to use, but I haven't checked out to see if these names have been taken or not. Maybe I'll do it tonight when I'm working the 3rd shift.


Woot! A few more days and Merfat and I will be moving into our brand new house! I'm very excited. We both are.

On other news, I'm building a gallery for and bit by bit tweaking the layout of the site.


I'm slowly making tweaks and updates on the site. Latest update:

I've made a few more adjustments. It seems like the logo is a bit off. I will hopefully get this resolved.


I'm getting the hang of CSS. I bought another book called The Zen of CSS Design. This is my latest update on


I've bought 2 books to help me in the process of developing my skills in web design and hopefully in the future, web development. The first book I am on is "Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way" and so far I'm actually learning. I am actually starting to understand CSS and have started building my own style sheet for the domain I've bought. I haven't done anything to it just yet, everything is in the building phase. So far this is what I have:

Not bad for a old newbie like me.


I feel like an idiot. I've been wasting away my talents by doing nothing. I thought if I got a job doing web development that my skills would be better. Instead, I've been doing IT work for the past 6 years with little or no programming. What is worse is my boss told me that I'm wasting away my life on stupid things and I hate to admit it, but he's right. He is absolutely right.

I've gone back and started to read up on C++, but its not what I supposed to do. I've bought a few books on HTML, XHTML, and CSS and to be another idiot, I went out and bought a domain. Now there is no way I'm going back because I hate wasting money. Yeah, I am an idiot.


Have you ever been told by a recruiting agency what you're looking for is so sharp and specialized that they're unable to find anything for you? I have. I just received an email back from Robert Half after a few days of being in contact with them and my "recruiter" is unable to help me whatsoever. This doesn't mean she'll give up looking for skill sets within my area, it just means I have a better chance find a position on my own. What is sad about this is for the fact that 4 years ago when I tried to get into Robert Half, they told me I didn't have enough experience for the positions they were looking for me. Now they're telling me I'm too specialized. Can't a brother get a break?


Oh dear god. What the hell did I eat last night. I've been throwing up this morning, which is not helping with the cold I've had for the past few days.

On other news, I posted my resume on a few days ago just to see what I can catch and so far I've had 3 calls about job interviews and 2 calls from recruiters companies. If people are saying the job economy is bad, then what do they call this? Sad part is, its just I'm going to update my resume on other job searching sites and see what I'll catch.


Woo hoo!! House!!!!!


It is official. I am on sabbatical leave from World of Warcraft (WoW) that started yesterday. I won't play for a few months as I'm in the process of doing what I've called "Life Reboot". I've wasted away many years on World of Warcraft and haven't done anything other than WoW. I need to get my life back in order.


Merfat and I went to the Rockefeller Greenhouse Gardens Saturday. We had a blast. It was part of the Merfat Tour of Cleveland. Yes, yes, a bit belated by 4 years, but at least we did it. Our first part of the tour was the Euclid Shopping Center. After showing me the website, we drove down there and found something completely different. It was abandoned. I brought the website back up, believing that we were lost, found that the directions on the website were the same directions for this mall. Merfat was a bit disappointed.

As we were about to leave, I saw a large gathering across the street. I asked Merfat if she wanted to check it out and reluctantly she said yes. The gathering was the Euclid Expo Center and little did we know, it was the gun show. I was so excited as I needed parts and accessories for my costume. I called up Chief and Chuck to inform them and set up a time for Sunday to meet up. Merfat and I walked around and looked at all the types of guns and accessories. We stopped at a booth that was giving out training registration. The man behind the booth asked Merfat if the classes were for me, instead she told him it was for her. He was quite surprised seeming a small petite Muslim girl in pink wanting to take self defense and other methodologies in using a gun.

More pictures here


I added the Nerf Swarmfire to my collection. More pictures to come.


So Teflon John fucked up again. He has been told to order and tell the ITD group to put syngo imaging, dynamics and vnc on the WoW (windows on wheels). Instead, he just ordered the parts and sent them to ITD without giving out any other information. Now it is up to me to figure out what ITD knows and what ITD doesn't know.

Instead of fixing his issue, he instant messaged me with:

Him - FYI - Your status is 3 days old

My response - "Its pi day every day".


I lol'd.



Holy hell I'm behind. Completely forgot to update this. I've been lazying about for a few days and now I am here, I just don't know what to write. Oh, so I've changed the way archives are viewed. It is all now under 1 sub-category called Archives.


I've been lazy for the past few months. Lazy meaning I haven't gone to the gym and I am actually feeling bad. So I've built myself an at-home kit with little to no gym equipment or kits. I've linked it here - click me.


I am continuing to put the pieces to my costume together. I just bought the welding goggles, respirator and the tactical hood. All I have left is listed below. I found a few masks that I need to decide which one I want to buy.


I've decided to make something out of my college degree. Ever since I was hired to the Radiology Informatics team, all I have been doing was wasting away my degree. I haven't programmed a single project since I started. Yeah, report writing, woo-hoo, however I've been denied to create 3 years ago (when my programming was at its prime) what this department calls "The Universe". The Universe is supposed to be the end all of manual report creations and the beginning of business objects. Though the idea to go through business objects was not mine, I had something similar, but a bit more complicated. Unfortunately, but fortunately on my end, the Universe is not doing so well as not only my idea has been taken from me (another story for a different day on this one), but the manager who is head of this project has written out 2 report designers. These 2 report designers know the ins and outs of the entire database as it is their job to know so.

So, what am I better myself at? I've decided to relearn C/C++. I found this one site on how to become a programmer. I read through it and found that I am at a System Programmer level. I would like to be at the Desktop Applications Programmer one day and hopefully with hard work and a few years of coding, I should attain that level. So I am hitting back on the books that I've collected over the years during college and started reading.


For some odd reason, I have an itch to reinstall and play DOOM 3 on my laptop.


I finally got my Death Knight to ilvl 348 yesterday. Now I am able to raid.

I'm starting to get a raiding group together within the guild. So far, I have 5 maybe 6 dedicated players.


I've been waiting for this day! Sony's PSP2 is revealed to the public. It is looking sexy as ever! Kotaku and other various gaming sites are covering the stories of Sony's Next Generation Portable.


As stated in a previous post, I've compiled a list of items for Dragon*Con 2011. I've already bought my Kabuki mask and I've ordered my full Airsoft Mask. By the middle of next month, I'll start ordering the rest of my items. The kilt ordering will be last as I'm still going through my diet.


It's here! My Kabuki mask has finally arrived!

Now I need to get the rest of my costume.


So I get an IM from my old manager who asks whose covering 2nd and 3rd shift. I state I am and it goes from sarcasm to telling either i am dedicated or dumb. Heh....what a manager. I couldn't think of anything good to say until the next day though. Oh well, I still made my point.


Guess what?! Not only am I working 2nd shift, but I am also working 3rd shift. Woohoo!!

So let's recap - I worked 48 hour shift and I am supposed to have Monday off. I come into work Monday to work for 2nd shift (as 2nd shift called off today), so I get Tuesday off. Now I am working a double and I'm getting Wednesday off. I think I'm still getting screwed somewhere in that mess.


So the 48 hour on-call shift is going pretty good. I've had maybe a total of 10 calls yesterday and no night hawk. I'm hoping that today would be the same or no calls at all so I can go home and sleep properly. I had 5 hours worth of sleep, so this actually breaks the 48 hour on-call stay up. That is actually pretty good. The down side, I'm still baby sitting the phone (pager for those who are working from home).

It has been an extremely quiet night so far and I, for once, am thankful that it has gone this far being quiet.

Okay, so I was completely wrong. Shit has hit fan at 10pm. Why does this always happen on a god forsaken Sunday? Why not Monday, or Saturday night? WHY SUNDAY!!!

I am not going to get any sleep whatsoever because my department lacks the common sense and the competency needed to function properly. Oh I've got loads of stories about the way this department is ran. For example: Did you know the white coats gets everything they want or that if a good idea is discussed and has been funded, certain individuals will kill the project because it is not his or her idea?

God I hate my job.


First day of my 48 straight hour on-call weekend. I'm already sick of this. One of these days when I am on-call and there's an informatics monthly meeting, I'm going to give it to one of the upper administrators.

For now, at least I have a goal with WoW, which is get Xzyzks' gear up to ilvl 346. He is currently at 337.


Very soon I'll be moving the Mourning Reign (MR) link to its very own domain. This will be a full fledged community and/or discussion board for MR members and guests. This move will happen sometime before the end of this month or beginning of next month.

Also, I maybe moving this site to its own domain too.


I am creating a list of items to be purchased or finished for this up coming Dragon*Con (2011).

I will add more to the list. As of now, I have the kabuki half mask and the Longstrike finished.


Woot! 1 of 3 masks will be coming in sometime this month!! My costume for DragonCon is starting to come together. I finished painting the Long Strike and started painting/modifying the Long Shot. I'll post in-progress pictures for the Long Shot.



My Longstrike is done. It took me a few days to get it fully painted and repainted. Originally it was going to colored in blue, orange, and white. However, the mithril silver, boltgun gray, bright gold and the white looks much better.

Longstrike CS-6


Woot! 2 days in a row! Yesterday, I did my workout. Since Merfat finished her school for the semester, I took advantage of going 5 days a week instead of 3 days. Yesterday's workout consisted of upper body workout. I increased my weights for 55lbs to 70lbs. Today's workout consist of 30 minutes on the treadmill of walking and jogging.


Yesterday was an eventful day. I didn't go to work as the roads were messy in the morning. However, the big issue was with my sister's car. Some jackass sometime during Tuesday early morning hijacked my sister's car and stole the catalytic converter. At the time, my sister and I thought that it was part of the muffler until we brought it to the car mechanic. The manager called, telling me that he was surprised how smooth and easy the perpetrator took the catalytic converter and gave me an estimate of $650. In order for my sister to go back home as she had final exams, I forked over the money for her to get back home safely.

Other than that, I'm going to the gym today to continue my work-out and diet.


I should be sleeping right now. Instead, I've got to babysit the phones hoping it doesn't ring. Hawaii is killing me with images not being automatically sent from one router to another. I hate the Mac Mini setup. I hate it with a passion. I've been sitting here for the past 3 hours watching the gates and manually pushing the studies to the doctor out in Hawaii. What kind of a crazy system is this?!

So I went home late Sunday, only to return back to the clinic because 64-bit Windows is not supported by our current VPN connectivity. All my computer at home are 64-bit Windows. The solution that my department came up with is to install WinXP 32-bit VMWare Player. 32-freaking-bit! Instead of moving forward with technology, this department seems to take a step back in technology and the powers to be are either unaware of what is going on or took the approach of 'don't fix (make better) what is not broken'. Unfortunately, everything here is a band-aid fix, only to give temporary relief to the issue, not a permanent fix.

3 more hours of this crap and I'm going home.

Total sleep time: 1 hour within the past 48 hours.


So it has been a little over 24 hours since I last posted about my on-call journey. I am currently sitting, trying to keep awake by watching YouTube movie trailers for the past 2 hours. I have slept a total of 45 minutes altogether. So far I have received 24 calls, so approximately 1 call every hour and depending on the situation it could take 5 minutes to resolve or the entire hour.

So far I have 1 main downtime with one of the major imaging server - Syngo Dynamics. It is not producing proper licenses for the clients and I've contacted the Cardiology team multiple times via email or page. I wish this would get resolved before the end of shift or a few section heads will be calling the manager of the Cardiology team. I don't mind this whatsoever because its a step in the right direction on how to take care of a server and not use it as a test box.

I didn't go to the gym as I hoped to do.

I am going to make some breakfast. Hopefully the oatmeal will warm me up.


Day 1 for On-call. I have taken 6 calls within the past hour, the first 4 are within the 1st half hour of this shift. Currently the calls consist of resetting passwords and a license server not having any licenses.

I'll update more as the day rolls on.


This weekend is going to suck a lot. I was told I will be on-call starting the beginning of next year. However, it seems that is not the case. I will officially be on-call for this weekend. This is going to be an excellent 48 hour session. I can only hope TeleRadiology will not have any issues whatsoever. I will definitely be here at work, instead of doing it from home as it seems to be easier if I am working from the command center. Also, I hate working through the VPN as there are times I get disconnected.

Other than that, I'll be going to the gym tonight to continue my program. I won't be lifting any weights today, instead I'll be running on the treadmill for 30 or so minutes.

Happy New Year


So my phone's battery was going to explode at any minute. It was bloated. I only knew about this when I went to the T-Mobile kiosk asking if the ladies behind the counter if they sold any batteries. One helped me by checking up my information, while the other one took the battery out and showed me that if it spins, then its a very bad battery.

So instead of getting a new battery for the G1, which are not sold anymore, I bought myself a G2 and I'm loving it. The best part of the phone is it doesn't have the chin the G1 had and I'm able to upgrade it to OS2.2.

I'll be going to the gym today and continue the workout.


I went to the gym today. I increased the weights in today's workout. The work out consisted:

Type Weight x Rep Set

  • Chest Press 55lbs x 8 3
  • Shoulder Press 55lbs x 8 3
  • Lat Pull Downs 55lbs x 8 3
  • Dumbbell Curl 15lbs x 8 3
  • Tricep Push Down 55lbs x 8 3
  • Leg Press 100lbs x 8 3
  • Leg Curl 100lbs x 8 3
  • Leg Extension 100lbs x 8 3


Today is a boring day. I don't think I'll be going to the gym tonight. I went to the gym Wednesday and did a 30 minute jogging. It felt pretty good. I think I'm either going to lazy around in Cleveland tonight and go to Toledo tomorrow or just go to Toledo tonight. I don't know just yet.


Yesterday was a blast! Merfat put on the best birthday surprise ever. All my friends, coworkers, and even my parents were in on it.

I got smashed on cake.

27th Birthday


Wednesday's workout consisted of:

    • Chest Press - 40lbs x 12 3 sets
    • Dumbbell Curl - 15lbs x 12 3 sets
    • Tricep Push Down - 40lbs x 12 3 sets
    • Leg Press - 85lbs x 12 3 sets
    • Leg Curl - 80lbs x 12 3 sets
    • Leg Extension - 85lbs x 8 3 sets
    • Abdominal Crunch on Ball - 10 crunches 3 sets
    • Torso Twist on Ball - 6lbs ball x10 3 sets


I didn't go to the gym yesterday. However I did start to paint my newest Nerf gun - Longstrike.


I change my health insurance to cover the cost of infertility 1 year ago and now Antares is telling me it will no longer be covered. I'm half way through the 2 year probation period before I start my medical and drug treatment. Now it was a waste of time, effort, and money to continue with this as this was going to cut the cost of the total treatment by half.


I'm feeling the pain already. Yesterday's workout consisted of:

  • Chest Press - 40lbs x 12 3 sets
  • Dumbbell Curl - 15lbs x 8 3 sets
  • Tricep Push Down - 40lbs x 12 3 sets
  • Leg Press - 85lbs x 12 3 sets
  • Leg Curl - 80lbs x 12 3 sets
  • Leg Extension - 85lbs x 8 3 sets
  • Abdominal Crunch on Ball - 10 crunches 2 sets
  • Torso Twist on Ball - 6lbs ball x10 2 sets


I started to work on a side project called UB2B and I am so rusty. Currently, I have a crappy template going UB2B and hopefully I'll be able to get everything up and running by the end of this week, maybe next.

So, I've convinced myself that I should be working out, losing weight, and gaining muscle 3 days a week and hopefully be down to an ideal weight of 200lbs in the next 6 months. I start today with my workout. As stated last time, my workout consist of:

My Upper Body consists of :

  • Chest Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Lat Pull Downs
  • Tricep Push Downs
  • Dumbbell Curls

My Lower Body/Core consists of :

  • Leg Press
  • Leg Curl
  • Leg Extension
  • Abdominal Crunch on Ball
  • Torso Twist on Ball
  • Modified Superman


Yesterday is the kick off to my weight loss program. I checked in with my fitness trainer. He has a spreadsheet made for me listing all the favorite toys I should be using when working out. It is divided off into 2 sections - Upper Body and Lower Body/Core.

My Upper Body consists of :

  • Chest Press
  • Shoulder Press
  • Lat Pull Downs
  • Tricep Push Downs
  • Dumbbell Curls

My Lower Body/Core consists of :

  • Leg Press
  • Leg Curl
  • Leg Extension
  • Abdominal Crunch on Ball
  • Torso Twist on Ball
  • Modified Superman

My fitness trainer has me doing 8 to 12 reps for 2 to 3 sets. I started off at 70lbs, but I think I'm overdoing it. I will lower the weight down to 40lbs and take things from there.


Woot! My laptop is in transit! Unfortunately its coming from SHANGHAI CHINA! Picture posted for proof.


Congratulations to Nasser and his family. A healthy baby boy has been added to the Aboumerhi family. The baby is 6 lbs and 10 ounces and 19.25 inches.


20 hours! 20 GOD FORSAKEN HOURS!!! And now I am hearing and reading on the WoW forums that everything is broken.

I am now afraid to login to see what has happened on my characters.


One of these days, I am just going to be up to the top of the barrel by all this shit that is going around at work and just walk out.


Though I was not at the meeting for today, my manager and my co-worker have won a battle that may lead to how we do things for the future. One of the many obstacles are two applications called KBox and Ghost. Usually, everything that is done through KBox, can be done in Active Directory (AD). Yet, that is not the case. Currently the way KBox is set up is nothing more than a data entry server that not only does not manage PCs on a daily basis, but doesn't update the list nor implement the patches accordingly. In short, the database is corrupt. The people who are handling it are too lazy to clean it up and every year the database becomes bloated and more corrupt. Well, not anymore. Today's meeting was an epic battle among the people who were in charge of KBox, my manager and my co-worker, and the Radiology Informatics Administrator.

(to be continued)


Okay. I have finally listened to my wife. She's been bugging me for months, possibly a year or two, about going to the gym. To lose some of this fat. I've finally went and signed up at my work's gym. This is definitely a turning point. Why? Well, I am currently at 247 pounds. I haven't seen that type of a healthy weight in 2 years. 2 YEARS!


Pictures have been uploaded to Picasa. Enjoy!


I had a blast at Dragon*Con. Pictures will be posted soon.


Today is here! The trip to Dragon*Con is here! I've packed all my stuff and now playing the waiting game to go to the airport. 6 days 5 nights.

Pictures will be posted after I come back.


I lost 10 pounds! 10 pounds in 2 months! You hear that fat, I'm going to be losing this weight until there is very little of you left!


I am almost done with my Nerf Vulcan. I've posted pictures in the Nerf section or click here.

DragonCon is almost here. 1 more week and hello vacation!


I'm not racist, sexist, religion basher, bigot or anything of that sort. I'm very friendly and I get along with everyone I get in contact with. However, today is not that day. Today, I'm going to let out my feelings, my thoughts, my hate. Why? Well, it is the only way I can effectively release my anger, until I can find a better method.

About 2 weeks ago, a vendor and my co-worker gets into a discussion about a ticket that hasn't been resolved in over a month. This ticket was in the vendor's name. My co-worker asked the vendor a simple question "Have you followed up", which led to a horrible end. The details are not that important. What is important is that I specifically apologized to the vendor for calling him an asshole for the sole fact that he was acting like an asshole, mocking me, acting uncivil with me, thinking like a child.

However, that was not enough of an apology. The vendor contacted his boss and his boss contacted my ex-boss demanding an apology from me. My ex-boss came to me last week and asked if I apologized, which I told him yes. I then asked "what, does he need another one? If so, the vendor needs to apologizing to me." Hence today's meeting. He brought both of us in the room. I started first, acting like the bigger man. I apologized again. I shouldn't have. I should have waited for his apology. However, the Jew says "I'll think about apologizing to you. I believe that you should truly apologize to me, because that is not an apology". WHAT THE FUCK?!

So me saying "Hey I apologize for calling you an asshole. It was uncalled for" two times, and he goes and acts like an asshole about this was not enough?! What in the God given rights does he have to tell me my apology does not count twice?! TWICE?! What the fuck?!

My ex-boss looks at him with disgust. I get up and tell my ex-boss "This is going nowhere. I will not apologize for this person ever again." and walked right out. I then turned around, went back to my ex-boss's office and was about to give the vendor a piece of my mind. I stopped, looked at my ex-boss and proceeded to tell my ex-boss, "I will be away for a while. If you need me, page me."

WHAT THE FUCK!?! Now the vendor is now chipper towards me, smiling, and being helpful. That piece of shit.


Ramadan Kareem!

A group of friends and I went to see Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Oh dear god, it was epic. I must see it again.


Merfat is back home! Yay!!! That means my dad is doing so much better.

Other than that, my costume for DragonCon is almost complete. I've painted all the guns and need to buy a water canteen or pouch of some sort. 24 days left to go!


I started my new job under Nasser today. Pretty hectic. I went from being introduced to all the clinical managers and section heads to moving PCs from one room to another to sorting out issues that section heads are having.

On another note, my dad is back home. He is doing so much better than he did in July. Thanks to everyone who prayed for a speedy recovery.

And last but not least: DRAGONCon 2010!!!!!


To all the guys and gals out there, here is something that you may want to consider.


I got the new position! I start August 1st! Big changes will happen under my reign.


My dad is doing much better now. He is still a bit woozy from medication, but after talking to his cardiologist, he shouldn't have any other surprises.


Good news! My dad got out of the hospital yesterday! He is doing well and will be seeing his Cardiologist today.


My father is getting better and better each day. Though he was supposed be discharged Wednesday, was bumped up to last Friday. Unfortunately, he was re-admitted back into the hospital due to an incorrect set of cocktail of medication. My dad has a condition called neurocardiogenic syncope, which means a syndrome that triggers a neural reflex that results in fainting. "This is caused by abno rmal response to various stimuli, which results from excessive autonomic reflex activity..."

From hearing the news with the doctor early Sunday morning, the correct cocktail of medication should help my dad deal with this syndrome. The last resort is the pacemaker. However, the team of doctors that is seeing my father are saying they'd rather him go through with the medication that with surgically placing a pacemaker.


My dad got a fever yesterday and seems to be doing better. The hospital will discharge him on Wednesday. I am worried for him and hopefully he makes a speedy recovery.

Other than that, I bought the Nerf Vulcan. The before pictures will be posted in the Nerf page tomorrow and I am almost done painting Selena. A work-in-progress and a completed pictures will also be posted tomorrow.


Happy 4th of July.


So I sent my boss's boss an email earlier today about the educational courses he promised he would start up. This was agreed upon between him, my rights of review (RR) HR, and I about the PHI and HIPAA that I violated back in March. Hopefully he responds back to me sometime next week. I also hope he tells me by saying "I lied" like he usually does with everyone else. Why? So I can take him to HR and get him liable for something he said he was going to do in front of the RR HR.

This is my way of saying "You want to make an example out of me, well I'm making an example out of you".


Yesterday was a bad day. I woke up late and got to work late. What was worse is I got a call from my wife telling me that my dad is in the surgery room being operated. He had a heart attack. I told her that I was coming home to pick her up and to go to Toledo to see my dad.

On our way to Toledo, my mom called my wife and told her that my dad was in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) to be monitored for any other complications. I was praying so hard for my dad to stay alive. I didn't want to lose him. My mom then called us again told us my dad's heart stopped for a while, but regained conscious. I wanted to speed through the turnpike to get to my dad as fast as possible. However, by the time I did make it to Toledo, visit hours were over for that afternoon and the next one was at 8pm. I wanted to see my dad. I wanted to see with my own two eyes that he was okay, that he was still breathing, but I was told to go home and come back around 8pm instead.

I did and when I did visit, my dad was conscious, but in critical condition. He was barely talking to us and barely looked at us. I joked around with him telling him "this is what happens when you eat too much baklava". I told my mom that if any good or bad happens to my dad, just call me.

It sucks that I'm 2 hours away from Toledo on an issue like this, but at the same time, I'm glad that I am 2 hours away. At least I can go and visit my parents at anytime without making it a costly trip. My dad is still in the ICU, so to anyone out there reading this, please pray for my dad to get better.



It is official. I have accepted the Dragon EMR - System Analyst I position with ITD-MyPractice. The paper work for it is in the works and hopefully I will be starting in either the end of this month or the beginning of July.

Goodbye Radiology, hello ITD-MyPractice!


The pictures turned out really well for the Kilted Commandos.


Okay. I've made up my mind to drop the course. The book is full of errors. The professor doesn't want to show examples related to the homework or won't help with the homework itself. This sucks because I understand what I'm doing and I'm enjoying the course. First thing tomorrow morning, I'm going to Western Campus and dropping this course.

Other than that, the photo shooting for Kilted Commandos: Garrison 328 went well. Chief and I got a few pictures in and then hung out with the a few friends from BASH. I will post pictures once it's been developed (heh, we forgot to bring a digital camera).


Oh dear god, why?! Why are my answers wrong? The professor assigned homework and all my answers are several points off from the book's solution. I want to know how these problems are done!!! I am using the correct equations and inputting the values properly, but when the solution in the book says 81.4 degrees and I'm getting 69.4degrees, something is not right.

I remember why I didn't want to take this course.


It has already been 1 week since I started school and we're going to get quizzed this Tuesday on what we've learned so far: Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry. Nothing about Statics (well the very basic stuff).

Other than that, I'm loving the fact that I've got the noon to 8pm schedule. For 5 out of the 8 hours I am usually building reports for each requester who put a ticket in. The other 3 hours is various other work. I'm getting more done this way that I have been in the last few months.

Finally, my friend just found himself a place in the North Olmsted area. He'll be moving down on the 17th. Man, time flies by really fast nowadays.


For those who would like to view the Quran -->


I went back to school after graduating 4 years ago. I needed to take a course that I decided back then was pointless in order to get into the graduate school. This course that was pointless is Statics, a Mechanical Engineering (ME) course that had nothing to do with Computer Science (CS). Unfortunately, I was completely wrong (4 years later).

Tomorrow is the second day for Statics. There are 6 of us in this course and from what the professor, if the 7th student doesn't show up, then this course is cancelled. Bah! I (and another student) need this course!!!! Hopefully it doesn't get cancelled.

Yesterday we reviewed basic math and units. Basic math meaning basic Algebra. Solve x and solve x & y. Tomorrow we review basic trigonometry. Where is the Calculus and Differential Equations (DiffyQ)?! I miss those math courses.

Other than that, my work schedule changed. Usually I come between 7 and 8 am. However, because of school, my manager allowed me to come around noon. Well noon to 8pm until I am done with Statics.


This is a horrible crime Israel is doing to an aid ship.

Israel Navy Massacres Freedom #Flotilla Passengers in International Waters


I've been called much worse than what has happened today at work. I have a policy not to add co-workers to my social networking site (Facebook in this case) because I don't want anything I said within my friends group to come back and bite me in the ass if it is about work. I share what I want to share to friends, people I hang out outside work. It is true that I have a few friends on Facebook that I also work with, however to me this is different. It is different because I've known about them before getting this job and I hang out with them outside work. I do not hang out with 95% of the co-workers outside the clinic whatsoever.

The funny thing is I mentioned it to these people that I will not add them to my 'friends' list because truly they are not friends. They still wanted to be part of my 'friends' list. So I added them. I'm just surprised that it took them about a month and a half to realize that I've removed them from my 'friends' list. That made them a bit upset, which to me I don't care because this is a bit childish. One of them came up to me and asked me why. Why? "Well do you and I hang out after work?" No. So the name given to me today was 'asshole' and this one stormed off. From what I heard, this person cried.

I hate to say this, but oh well.


Good news! 1 of a handful of friends have gotten the RIS position in my department. Congrats to him! Now its time to get to work for the other 3.


Found this nifty website for all my WoW needs. -->

From their F.A.Q

"Elitist Armory is a website version of Elitist Group. Like Elitist Group, the goal is to move away from single scores that don't actually tell you anything useful. Instead information such as the type of item, if it's good for a spec or not are displayed."


So I'm busy working away on a report that may or may not have any meaning to it. The section head of my department needed to create a report that was broken down per month per dicom modality. The good news is making a graph for these break downs is the easy part, retrieving the data from RAZOR is the hard part. Especially when the whole system itself is a bit shaking (gotta love Sybase).


So today's whether was horrible. I couldn't paint my deploy nor visit Chief. Chief's granddad past away this morning. My condolence to the family.

Also, my parents came over today. It was that time of the month again where the Egyptian Society of Ohio had its meeting.


So a car exploded this morning in one of the Cleveland Clinic garages. No one knows how or what caused this, however from what I heard from a co-worker, there was nothing left of the car after the officers got to it.

Also, my daily list is going well. Today was a bit hectic. I went to see my optometrist. I finally got to hear "you can rub your eyes". I was so excited. I've been lightly patting my eyes for the past months no matter what type of irritation I had. After I finished my appointment I went straight to work with several reports that needed to be completed before 3pm, which thankfully I was able to finish.

Tomorrow is another day as I will starting to paint the rest of my deploy and possibly visit my best friend, Chief.


I've started to make a list. This list will be things to do as I have a tendency of putting things off. Yesterday's list went well with a few surprises here and there. Today's list consists of:

  • Going to the mall for a couple of hours to walk
  • Get some WoW time in (2 hours max)
  • Be in bed by 10pm.

This may look a bit weird, but to me if I don't get it down on a To Do list, then I'm just going to be lazy and do absolutely nothing. So far it has been a good motivation within these past few days. I won't be able to determine if this is how I'll actually get things done, but so far it seems to work.

In other news, I've downloaded an app on my G1 called A World of Photo. The basic premise is that the user is selected by a random person anywhere in the world using the app to send them a photo of the user's choosing. It displays a version of Google maps and your location and then once the user takes and sends a picture it is then rated and commented on. The user spin/shake the phone or select a direction and the app searches for someone who then chooses whether or not to send a picture.


I moved April posts to the 4/2010 link.


The Kilted Commandos is coming soon to a convention near you! A site is currently in the works and promotion soon after. Hopefully, this will be done before DragonCon 2010.


Random thing happened this morning. As I was walking to my car I found this little fella on the sidewalk. Now I don't how this little fella happened to be in the middle of nowhere, but at least it's striving to make it somewhere. I didn't see the little fella when I came back home, so hopefully it's alright.


Guild meeting went well yesterday. I created a Mourning Reign subpage for anyone to check out.

In other news, the System Analyst II positions have been posted. Click here and here.


I think I scared everyone in the Mourning Reign guild when I posted up a mandatory meeting for tonight. I have players asking me what was going on and if everything is alright. Here's the low down:

What is the future of Mourning Reign?

1. All of us wants to do end game raiding yet for some odd reason we can't obtain that.

2. Issues between guild members. Between the 4 of us, how to have an officer always on in order to resolve the issue. Which leads to #3.

3. Proper scheduled dtime (day/time). This is for everything that is happening within the guild.

4. Researching and reading the fights/instances/gear/rotation. How to properly play your character.

5. How to be ready 15 minutes before the scheduled calendar event(s) happen. Be prepared with flasks, food, elixirs, mana/health potions, etc.

6. What type of character do you have? Who is the main vs alt. Mains will always be called upon for any type of raids.(needs revision)

7. If you have accepted the calendar event time and did not show up (didn't change it to tentative or declined 1 day before the scheduled event), then how to go about a) re-correcting an issue like this so it can never happen again and b) what type of 3 strike "punishment" should the officers give out.

8. What are the required add-ons/apps needed when raiding: Omen for threat, recount for dps/healing, Vent for voice server, etc.

9. When a raid happens, everyone (guild member or pug) must be in vent before entering the scheduled raid. If a player doesn't have vent and doesn't want to download it or feels that vent is not required, remove that player from the group.

10. Etiquette of vent.

11. Vent password will expire every 6 months.

12. If any changes have been made in the scheduled calendar dtime, Guild Message of the Day (GMOTD) will have those following changes. GMOTD will be controlled by the officers. Always respond to invites (needs revision)

13. Raid Leaders: If there is an officer online, one of the officers is Raid Leader. If all officers are offline, then the Raid Leader goes to the person who put the group together, until an officer comes online. By then the Raid Leader should be given to the officer. (needs revision)

Other notes:

When Raiding:

1. Many Mourning Reign members join outside raids with advanced groups and are able to obtain better gear and drops, but do not learn how to play because he/she were carried through the fight. This player(s) needs to research the fight so this player(s) is able to explain it for those who do not know.

2. The "standard" raid group is made of up the core players. How do we play as a team?


Compensating a player when he/she bought/farmed materials for an item(s) when a scheduled calendar raid. In an random heroic or random regular instances, it is on the player to compensate himself or herself. Compensation can be the actual item or gold. The costs will be on par with Auction House.


If a player donates gold to the guild bank, he/she is donating it out his/her free will. Guild Repair (grepair) is for everyone. If the guild bank does not have enough funds then the grepair will be disabled until there is enough funds for everyone. The grepair is depended on rank in the guild. If all players in the guild are donating gold to the guild bank, then the grepair will be increased per rank. If members are not donating gold to the guild bank and are using grepair, then grepair will be disabled until players start donating. If a member is donating, but unable to use grepair due the reasons mentioned, then the member can request the grepair alloted gold for the calendar scheduled raid.

Raid Drop System:

Players can roll on gear depending on the class that player is being used for. There are 3 types of class: tank, dps/caster, and healer.

Tanks can only roll on tank gear, unless otherwise noted. Example: In the raid there are 3 tanks, but 2 is only needed and the 3rd tank is converted to either a dps/caster or healer. That 3rd tank can roll on tank drops. If the 3rd tank is used as a dps/caster or healer and receives a tank drop, then that 3rd tank will be unable to roll for a dps/caster or healer drop until all players of that class (tank, dps/caster, healer) have received their drops.

Each player can only receive only 1 item until all players of that class have received an item within a single lockout period. If a drop is not better than the current item that player has, then the player should not roll on that drop.

Main spec and Off spec depends on the Raid Leader. Each Raid Leader may or may not use the Main Spec and Off spec system.

If the Raid Leader chooses not to use the Main spec and Off spec system, then either an enchanter will need to disenchant the drop or the Raid Leader will need to sell the drop and put the sold drop's gold in the Guild Bank. If the item cannot be disenchanted or sold, then the item is then DELETED.


I've found this nifty little site that allows Muslims to find what time the prayer happen to be at. Check them out at


So the E.A.S.O website is up. E.A.S.O stands for Egyptian American Society of Ohio. This allows the Egyptians to have a voice in Ohio. E.A.S.O was created by a group of Egyptian families located in Cleveland, Ohio. There are currently 50 members and growing.This group is free of religion. So any Egyptian family are able to join this group.

For more information, please go to the website at


Hopefully everyone had a awesome Lich King day, yesterday.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. Hopefully, the dentist will just pull my tooth out. Even though the swelling has gotten smaller, I am still in a bit of a pain whenever I eat or yawn.

Other than that, I had an awesome weekend. BASH Bash was Saturday and played a few games with the newer BASH members. I met up with some of the older ones and hung out with them. All in all, I just had a good time.

In other news: I've received a phone call from HR about my appeal process. I've passed step 1 and I'm in the process of going to step 2. Step 2 consists of having a meeting with the designated HR rep, my department manager, and me. I can't wait to get this done and be have no write up against me.


So my left half of face swelled up like a balloon. I knew I should have listened to my wife. Basically, due to a stupid, single tooth, this swelling is the cause of it. Unfortunately, I went to the ER today. Thankfully, it didn't them hours to release me. The best thing the doctor told me was to take the prescribed medication (antibodies and vicodin).

However, this will not stop my trip to Toledo for this weekend.


I moved March microblogs under 03/2010. Have a great April Fools Day!

In other news: I'm going to fight for my right to get a better pay at work. It seems like my boss just doesn't want to give me that right and is trying to give me excuses for not able to obtain a pay that all other CORE members are getting. I'll start with the top of this department: Mr. Parker.


So I sent in my appeal to HR today about my write up a few weeks ago. I found out within the past few days that my co-workers have been sending PHI data to non CCF email accounts without the words CONFIDENTIAL in the subject line. I really hope my write is appealed as now I know/feel that this write is an attack towards me. The only reason I say this is for 1 fact: I am the only outspoken person in my department who can stir things up with management. I do this because of half of the bullshit that goes on at work. This is my way of questioning management without getting written up or warned verbally.


Though the stupidity at work, I've got a bigger cubicle.

And on another note. Today I found this:


Too much bullshit going on at work. For the last few hours I was contemplating if I should quit work or not. I was almost going to quit until my boss and I talked things over. I basically gave him everything I wanted to say. It was not constructed, it was random. Everyone in Core group, except for me is a System Analyst I. I'm the only System Analyst II and I've done more work for both teams than anyone combined. Yet, no pay raise. That's what it comes down to: a raise in salary. I know I'm not appreciated with the work done.

The only reason why I'm sticking around is for my wife. She will kill me if she found out I quit my job. No seriously, she demonstrated how she'll kill me.


I am officially part of the RIS team here at work. This sucks because a) Everyone in the RIS team is either in vacation or contractors and b) I don't get a raise in salary.


I am supposed to sign up for the Statics course today. However, after a series of events that has happened at work, I felt that going back to school this fall for my Masters degree is not in my best interest. Instead, due to these series of events, I've decided to send out my resume to any job that seems fit for me. Though my dream is get my PhD in Mathematics & Computer Science, I think for now I'm going to do a career change. I'll stick with IT, however I would like to either lean towards clinical IT or become a project manager.


My boss has moved me from PACS to RIS. I finished on-call this past weekend for PACS, yet I start on-call for this upcoming weekend for RIS. I start with the RIS team effectively tomorrow. I've got a dilemma though. I went to his boss and asked to be under a different manager. The joys of working for Radiology Informatics.


I was set on hope when my wife's period was late by a week. I was finally going to tell the world that I became a daddy. Unfortunately, she got her period yesterday and I'm once again left with disappointment. I should have known.

Other than that, I've been doing a lot of boxing, tennis, and baseball training with Wii Sports. I've started to feel a slight change in my weight and feel full of energy. I haven't this for quite sometime now. However, my arms are sore along with my upper and lower back muscles. When will the soreness end?!


Yesterday, I've weighed myself at 255lbs. I started doing the Wii workout since Monday. Currently, I've been dedicating my time on the Training portion and the boxing exercises for 15 to 20 minutes a day. I got back onto the scale this morning and saw my weight at 256lbs. I'm a bit disappointed, but then again, it is just a matter of time before I start seeing some real weight loss.


I've finally figured out how to setup a User-Level Security in Microsoft Access for a doctor's database. I should have checked the Internet first --> So after familiarizing myself with this, the doctor wants it on SharePoint instead. FML.

In other news, I'm going to give the Wii workout a try. Good luck me.


Happy PI Day everyone.

Its been about 1 week now since I had my surgery. I am very amazed on how much I can see now. The other day, I looked into my glasses and cringed a bit. Now I know how everyone felt when I told them "Well you think that is bad, try this".

So I've been thinking about getting into shape. I've been saying this since last year, but after watching my weight grow rapidly, I thought now is a good time to be in control of once again. I've started looking into fitness related accessories such as a treadmill or a bike. I've started to look into gyms and fitness centers. My goal is to be at 230lbs by the end of this year and 185lbs by the end of 2011.



I just woke up about an hour ago as the doctor recommended me to sleep as much as possible. Today I got my LASIK surgery and I do have to say that spending $4k for a 20 minute operation is well spent. Within the first few hours, I was able to see without my glasses (until Benadryl kicked in).

Basically there is a 2 step process. Phase 1 is to cut the flap, which feels like getting punched in the eye multiple times. They placed a clap on the eye and taped my lids opened. The two minutes felt like 10 minutes and it didn't help when the surgeon was counting down. Phase 2 was the actual procedure itself. This took about 15 minutes. The clamp and tape was used again to keep the eyes opened. It took the laser several minutes to get the vision back to 20/20. In this step, I smelled a lof of burning. Yes, I know, it was my eyes.

Once this was done, the doctor told me to get lots of sleep, especially when the nurse gave me 2 tablets of Benadryl. After an hour, my eyes started to get heavy. Good thing I had a driver. I slept for the rest of the day. Though things are still blurry, I'm able to make out words and faces better than I did with my glasses on. My vision will adjust properly within 3 to 6 weeks and the healing process in general will take about 3 to 6 months.


I have a countdown on my IM at work stating '121 days left'. I have people at work asking me: '121 days left of what?', which I reply back 'Shh --- It's a secret'. This is quite hilarious as no one know what this countdown means even though everyone in this department knows I'm going to ITD-Mypractice.

So my non-reporting manager doesn't want me to leave Radiology Informatics (Rad Info). I had a meeting with him and the Section Head of Rad Info. It seems like he's put out his concerns along with the section head's concerns. I've told them both whatever benefits me the most is what I'll go with. Currently its ITD-Mypractice, unless Rad Info comes up with a better offer and solution.

In the end, he needs me more than I need him. I love this.


I've updated the side bar. However, I'm having a bit of difficulty in reorganizing the side bar.


I can't believe its March already. Man, time flies by so fast.

In other news: I've sent out an email to the hiring manager for ITD-Mypractice accepting the position as a Dragon Analyst. Hopefully, my starting date will be in July. I've started to look for apartments around the Lyndhurst area as this department will be located in the old TRW building. I am very much excited.

Finally, I've started moving mini-blogs and notes to the appropriate pages. I think I'll keep the current month on the home page. All other previous months will be moved. I am still testing out the side bar. Hopefully I should be able to get that up as soon as possible.


The hiring manager at ITD-Mypractice called me and I will definitely start in July. I've informed all of the important managers in my current department.


Update 2:

I've added the sidebar.


I've decided to take the other job. Goodbye Radiology, hello ITD-Mypractice!


After a several months of playing around with this site, I've noticed its not very practical in use. There's a lot of clicks and pages are not really uniting together as I hoped they would. I'm going to reconfigure this site to make it more friendly within the next few months weeks.


Job posts are back up for the radiology department. Click here to apply. It seems like they've reposted the SA 1 position for the AGFA job.

It also seems like they've reposted the job position for System Administrator.


Radiology Informatics (AGFA) job postings have been taken down. From what I've been hearing, the rest of the new positions will be up sometime next week.


I had my interview yesterday with the ITD-Clinical department. It went very well with 2 position: programmer analyst and Dragon analyst. From the buzz in my department, it seems like I'll be getting a second interview sometime soon.


So the job postings are up at the Cleveland Clinic - Radiology Informatics.

Anyways, I've considered migrating the Google site to a different domain. If this will happen, I'll probably do it sometime in the summer or early fall of 2010.


Woot! BashCon 2010 is coming up. To register go to BashCon is located in Toledo, Ohio. I added a page called BashCon'10 under Conventions. This is still under construction.


I removed the pictures in DragonCon 09. During my creation process with that page, I just sloppily posted pictures. Now I'm going to revamp the page and actually make it look presentable. Currently, the page is under construction.

Also, I moved Nerf under Projects. I kind of figured anything that deals with modifications or reconstruction is a project.


So I got an email from the Cuyhoga County site. Basically it seems like my questions are a bit too tough for just 1 person to handle and it will be sent to the 'appropriate' department.


I am extremely pissed off with Cuyhoga County. Roads aren't salted/cleaned, 911 system sucks, and speed limits are horrendous. It's as if this county is punishing the people. So I sent an email with my concerns to the Cuyhoga site hoping someone would answer back. Below are my concerns:

1. Why aren't the main streets, side streets and highways salted and plowed during winter?

2. Why are all the main roads 25/35mph? 25mph in business area, 35mph in residential areas? Should it not be the other way around? Other roads outside of Cuyhoga county are 35/40mph. Why can't this county adopt the same speed limit?

3. 911 System: I had an accident several weeks ago. I called 911 through my cell phone and I went through 5 different cities: Cleveland, Middleburg Hts, Parma Hts, Brookpark, Rocky River and back to Cleveland. No officer would take the call and assist in this situation. Why do we have this 911 system? Coming from Toledo, if I got an accident in Maumee, a Toledo cop would come and help until the appropriate city cop would take over.

4. Why aren't the side walks cleaned during winter? Wouldn't that increase the chances of someone slipping of fall and in turn sue the establishment or home owner?


I added a new page called Things To Know. The link has been updated to all the pages.


Happy New Year to all.

Update: Subpages are now all under Home.

© 2008-2013 Yahia Hegazy