Shadow of the Colossus hacking

For about a year now, I have been using a program to hack Shadow of the Colossus. Tools I have use was one called MHS (Memory Hacking Software) made by L.Spiro. I also used another program called TSearch made by CoolManBob. There probably was other but didn't use them as much.

Oh BTW, I may not be 100% sure if these programs are made by these people. If I am wrong on one or more, then please tell me.

I remember a amazing person called Radical Dreamer, I think he teach PikolUploader a view hacks. Usually about the modding of Wander.

And another person called dark0ssx, he teached me how to mod Wander in ways like up and down, north and south, and west and east. After all, I think he said he learned the hacking Wander from Radical Dreamer, not sure though. So after I learned some hacking. After awile of the hack of warping Wander around, I started to find some new things with hacking. First probably some random stuff with Wander close to the warping one, and some strange results with maps and maybe this other thing, might of been a polygon problem result or something. I remember finding this preview version of Shadow of the Colossus later, sadly I don't think its in any stores. Since its rare, so the only possible way to get it was probably to download it I think. After hacking there, something was strange with this address in the tool, it looked like another up and down value for another model. I think when I changed it, nothing happens. But I search for that value I saw, I got more results then 1 in the list. It might of took a couple of tries though. So I modded some, and after, I just moved the colossus up and the air. This was the 16th colossus. Also did a same search where Wander was at this other colossus place and the colossus and Wander was in the list I think. A bit later, I learned something about ranging. I think it wasn't working right in TSearch so I tried looking for this other tool. I found a program made by L.Spiro. I tried it out, and test the ranging searching for Wander and found it. So then I tried some on other stuff and got some new results.

Later, I have been finding new stuff. I got more better at it and found even more new stuff. I learned a bit of how to use the unknown search and even later, I found more stuff also. And did hex more better and found even new discoveries.

Here are some more finding mod pictures..

Large save shrine

A small sword...

Agro's new style.

After a while. After, finding a lot of stuff like fog, moving a lot of objects, colossus modding, etc. I still found even more amazing stuff.

I been able to move land, controlling some other objects. But may have solid problems. (This might of been during the fog finding times, not so sure though.)

For so long when having MHS, I been having a lot of fun, even more. Been able to find more possibilities.

I have been talking with Nomad for a while with this, me showing him stuff and him showing me stuff. Thanks to my teaching (I think), he's been able to find new kinds of codes on his own.

For years now, he's been known, even more than me since he's been often uploading videos about what was found, either by me or him.

I feel like I need to get known more after all the work I have done, I sadly have not been very active on this and I think I need to start now, and get more known. xD

I would love to show new snap shots but I had a huge hard drive issue, making me loose a lot of stuff, but I can take new snap shots and I think I still have some old ones my friend had and from online. Thanks to Nomad for some help. ;)

Anyway, when I been going far, and far with hacking, trying to reach every single end, I been trying to find a way to hack my self into the cut scenes, it was like my final goal left in the game. The number 1 place was the Entrance, the other side where there is a nice grassy area, with a path, trees, etc. In the cutscene, when hacking, I was getting closer, and closer. I was able to move my camera around, and been able to "freeze" the cut scene so I can explore it on my own time.

For a while, I was in a frozen position, with Wander sitting in mid-air like on the horse. I was able to warp him around and all with codes, with my free-roaming camera. It was good to explore, though later I still wanted to control him, but I sadly couldn't at that time.

Though, some later time, I was able to find a way to explore the "on our way" cut scene as I like to call it. It's the cut scene where Emon and his pals were getting close to the Forbidden Lands.

What I did was think where it was located, warp to the area on where it would load (A0) and trigger the cut scene. However, I did this on the Preview Version, the Preview Version is a beta disk of the game, it was about a couple months before the final release. I think a little later, I noticed my self inside the cut scene! I think I left the floating code on to make sure I can see my self, and I did.

So I tried to freeze the cut scene there, noticed a view crashes when trying, but got it, and I finally been able to get the camera to my self. I noticed I could not move, like my controls were off. I think after (Or before?), I found a code to be able to control Wander while cut scenes happened (Note: I'm talking about colossus intro cut scenes where for example, if you were heading to the 1st colossus, a camera cut scene happens and Wander stops and you can't control him while it's doing that.). Awesome right?

So I think I tried it, and it worked! I was able to explore that area (Where Emon was) kind of like in the game! Nothing was solid except for the solid death floor I think. I noticed the valley they come from goes a long way, even parts I never seen before. The lands close to the entrance basically melts away when getting close.

Though, back at the intro cut scenes, I think I tried to use the new control Wander code, but it sadly didn't solve my problem on being able to control him in those kind of cut scenes.

More coming soon, hang on... Actually, I will probably add more much later. xD