Reaction to: Horse News Interviews: wwwarea

Those who have searched my common username "wwwarea" on Google may have found a link title called: Horse News: Horse News Interviews: wwwarea.

The reason why I wanted to make this reaction was because thanks to a user called Tuxxy, that Horse News article link is right there on the front page after searching "wwwarea" or maybe certain stuff relating to it. I tried telling that person to delete them because of how he's trying to effect my searches, but alas, he doesn't care.

Please note that searching "www area" rather than "wwwarea" won't give much info about me since the spacing seems to effect it greatly.

Explanation and Other Info

First things first: Yes, the person in those chats are me. However, this wasn't an interview (at least never meant to be an interview). I was honestly just chatting and chatting to random other moments because this happens to me.. Tuxxy kind of does this too, and me criticizing him for ridiculous claims is really something I do a lot.

Honestly, I think most of the time in the chat, I was pressured/rushed (Probably because I might be an introvert), so I probably slowly talk randomly too fast, and mostly ending up in a bit of "crappy" grammar but it's a chat and from my point: it was never an interview. I am still however proud of my criticizing in another way.


Tuxxy is honestly not a nice guy. He enjoys bashing others for what he think is "stupid" and other insults, and sometimes like to put them up on popular websites for pleasure.

Sometimes he may (I may be wrong) point out a real mistake (like a spelling error) but then does things unnecessary about them like yell it out in the public for "humiliation/cyber-bullying" purposes. There may be other things he does that is completely rude/offensive like making fun of somebody for liking something different, and sometimes very hypocritical. Example: Making fun of me for liking anthropomorphic talking wolves, but not bringing his own likes out which would be "My Little Pony" anthropomorphic ponies.

Of course, that example is the kind of the same as "cyber-bullying" and the fact that he also did this for "humiliation/cyber-bullying".

He also doesn't know how to argue; he was one of those guys who reply very immaturely about whatever I tried criticizing (To him or to other people or both). He was one of those "bulls***!" reactions, and that's technically it.

The other info about him? This wasn't his first abusive article about me. I have also been fighting with this guy for months before that article was made.. He got "butt-hurt" (A stupid troll's definition) for me criticizing him, then he wanted to "call me names, insult me, etc" just because I mainly criticized him for trying to damage other people's enjoyment. As I said, he doesn't even know how to argue them back, so he probably did this instead.. That's all he probably ever does.

FedYourPony? Part

This person is almost (or maybe completely) just as bigoted and hypocritical as Tuxxy.

This guy (Who selfishly likes My Little Pony, and then bashes others for likings something else) was working along with Tuxxy (The slimy beast) when I was chatting.

This person also, (And out of nowhere too) told Tuxxy to ask me that if I liked "Link 1", and "Link 2"; they contain some random NSFW (Kind of?) versions of two characters I actually liked.

I don't even remember mentioning Alpha and Omega characters or any part of the words of "Alpha and Omega" on the chat, so the person was obviously trying to find something he/she selfishly thinks as "bad"; if I liked it, it's "funny", if I don't, then it's "OK" to the guy. Mainly when the guy asked me, I was honestly in raged because of those thoughts as to "why ask me" came up. So I wanted to do something similar to what FedYourPony? liked, just to show how hypocritical it was for the guy to mock me for liking "different things". If you read that offensive article, you may have saw the links or at least read the story.

I have also asked (More kindly) why FedYourPony? did this, and of course, the person thought it was "funny" when in fact, there is nothing wrong with people liking that kind of stuff.

Oh and my reaction to the pictures in chat was something FedYourPony? made fun of, as if my personal reasons was "bad".

Note: Those two pictures was something I didn't like because if I find anthropomorphic creatures hot, it wouldn't be by adding human parts to it (Mainly a lot and depends), I'm more for the other way, but more (Or very close and depends) "feral" with human acting characteristics. Yes, I like anthro creatures, to the point that "hot" may come on, but at the same time, there are somewhat, many people who has something similar, maybe. It doesn't hurt anyone too, get over it.

Privacy Violation?

This was all in a private chat, but alas: Tuxxy and another person has taken it out of private chat and decided to put it all in an article for the purposes of "humor".

I have also asked Tuxxy if he was taking stuff out of the private chat room and sending it to other people and he said "no" or something like that.. Alas, he lied once more.

I could of also sworn that Tuxxy argued against me that Skype chats are "not" private. Seriously?

The Graphs

They were both fakes, but I find it funny how mine is consider "less perfect" than his. His is completely inappropriately immature and I'm against using that word "immature" over "freedom sex jokes" but his was just more for the rude side I think.

I made this graph back for some reason but I think I forgot why. Probably to bring out the fact that "Horse News" is actual not news. If I had to critique on what was more funny, it may have been my graph while his isn't even funny at all.

Anyway, yes, the graphs are fakes, it's just a fighting thing and alas, he puts it on his little stupid article.

I know, I know, I keep using the word "alas" a lot.. It's just a good word to use!


I suggest ignoring that article if you see it. I think they are mainly made by rotting trolls/sadistic. If you saw it, just forget about it. I'm not the one who published the article, it's been posted by my own enemies. It's not funny, and has some rude info about me.

There is also a reason as to why people takes privacy very seriously, and this is one of the reasons as to why. There are nasty people out there who likes to mock people's own likes, and use society as a tool to help promote painful negative energies down people's throat. This is a huge problem and I wish the government regulated this more I think.

Don't ever talk to Tuxxy, or FedYourPony?, and for any sake, don't talk to MLPcritic either or any other terrible person like those. Especially in privacy.

Thanks to that pathetic sadistic person, this kind of effects my reputation. I'm also surprised that Google isn't taking care of that site because this kind of post from that blog might violate Google's Policy. Especially since there was a couple of other posts that used (legally defined disability) autistic as a problem. Which Google's policy may be against.

No, I'm not the only one. There are also others like Aoshi that they tried ruining. There are also other privacy concerns I heard around Tuxxy too.

I hope this article (What your reading now of course!) makes things more clear.

Please also note that my grammar may not be as perfect on here. Legit critique would be nice.