Frequently Asked Questions

What is a math circle?

A math circle is a gathering point for motivated students who want to learn and do math outside of the classroom. They vary in difficulty and scope, but math circles generally explore topics such as graph theory and number theory outside of the normal high school curriculum. Some invite speakers, hold monthly contests, and participate in math community outreach by coaching MATHCOUNTS teams. Many math circles field teams to prestigious high school math competitions such as PUMaC and HMMT.

What are the differences between a math circle and a math club?

A math club tends to be confined to a school, while a math circle has a broader geographic reach. In addition, math circles pursue much deeper topics than traditional high school math clubs. Often times, math circles are composed of the strongest members of their respective school math teams: everyone here really likes math.

Who can attend Westchester Area Math Circle meetings?

Anyone interested in mathematics.

I'm in middle school. I've never heard of all of these competitions, but I love math. Can I join?

Yes! Our goal is raising awareness of math enrichment. More experienced members will tell you the websites and books that have inspired them, and you will find a community of other middle school students with the same passion for math. In fact, many of the senior members of Westchester Area Math Circle didn't start competition math until they were in high school.

How much math do I need to know?

There are no hard requirements. Above all, interest is much more important than ability. If spending two hours exploring math problems sounds like fun, we'd love you to join us!

Is there a fee to participate in Westchester Area Math Circle?

No, but donations are much appreciated.