Q.  What do you do with my damage deposit?

A.  Your damage deposit will be paid into the hall's account as soon as we get it and paid back into your account, minus any damage charges made, straight after your hire period.  It is rare for there to be any damage charges, but the deposit is a necessary precaution for us.

Q.  What about the rubbish arising from our activity?

A.  As part of the Hire Agreement, you are required to leave the hall as neat and tidy as you found it and must arrange for all your rubbish to be taken away with you.  The cost of having the council or others take rubbish away cannot be justified.

Q.  What is expected of those who hire the hall?

A.  Details are set out in the Terms & Conditions of Hire, which you will have read and agreed to when confirming your booking.  You only have the use of the hall/rooms for the period you have booked.  In simple terms, the hire period should include the time required for the hirers/users to set up for their event and clean up so that the hall/rooms are handed back in as good a condition as they were when the hire period commences.  Also, during the hire period and when leaving, we would expect you to respect the people who live nearby.