Please send booking enquiries via our email address:

We will need your name and telephone number in case we need to discuss your hire requirements. If possible, let us know which room(s) you are interested in along with date, times and what you want it for. 

If you wish to proceed with a booking, we will need you to accept our Terms and Conditions of Hire. They are here, on the website, but we will send them to you with a booking form. Once your booking has been agreed, we will send you an invoice, and any deposit amount needs to be paid to secure the booking, with the total invoice amount paid in full 28 days before your party/event. This does not apply for repeating bookings such as clubs or classes.

We will ask that you meet with us at the hall to discuss your party/event.

You can leave a message on 07535 320552, but as this phone is not always monitored, we would prefer you to email in the first instance.


The costs for hiring the Village Hall are set out here: WVH Charges 


To book a room, you are required to accept our terms and conditions, so please read them, and if you have any queries you can clarify them with us. The terms and conditions can be found here: WVH Terms & Conditions

WVH Terms & Conditions.pdf
Hiring fees chart wef 1.10.16.pdf