Common terms used in sheep and goat

Common terms used in Sheep:-

Adult male Ram/Tup

Adult female Ewe

New born Lamb

Young male Ram lamb/Tup lamb

Young female Ewe lamb/Gimmer lamb

Castrated male Wether/Wedder

Castrated female Spayed

Yearlings Hogget

Female with offspring Suckling

Act of parturition Lambing

Act of mating Tupping

Pregnancy Gestation

Sound produced Bleating

Group Flock/herd/mob

Species called as Ovine

Meat Mutton

Common terms used in Goat:-

Adult male Buck

Adult female Doe

New born Kid

Young male Buckling

Young female Goatling

Castrated male Wether/castrated goat

Castrated female Spayed

Female with offspring Suckling

Act of parturition Kidding

Act of mating Serving

Pregnancy Gestation

Sound produced Bleating

Group Flock/band

Species called as Caprine

Meat Chevon

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