Michele Timmerman

What an accomplishment! My feet are finally healed and I am able to wear sneakers again :)

Special thanks to volunteers. Vickie you were my angel at Melrose. Grateful for all of your help each and every time I came through. Also, many thanks for helping my crew find me at each road crossing.

Vinnie and Peter, it was most enjoyable meeting you both. Thanks for the many conversations that helped me to NOT think of the pain my body was experiencing. Vinnie, I hope your trail is finally cleared and your training hard for next 100.

Carl Albright, this run was the hardest I have ever participated in. If that was your intent, you were indeed successful. The course was well marked and your volunteers were phenomenal. I appreciate the pictures you took at the end of my run, my favorite.

I am currently sleeping with my spike and look forward to coming back next year to beat my course record and earn another :)

Grateful for many new friends,

Michele Timmerman