How You Can Help

We are working as hard as we can to help improve the lives of people disabled by bilateral vestibular hypofunction and related disorders. You can help by supporting the Johns Hopkins Vestibular NeuroEngineering Lab. We welcome and sincerely appreciate support from individuals and institutions who want to help accelerate progress toward a future in which people struggling with chronic dizziness, unsteadiness and blurred vision due to vestibular loss have treatment options that are at least as effective and accessible as treatments for hearing loss.

Although VNEL successfully competes for NIH grant funds to support the majority of our research, private funding can have an immediate impact, enabling us to quickly direct support to innovative projects without the unavoidable delays and uncertainty inherent to the grant application and review process. We make every effort to maximize the return on such investments, by directing gifts to support specific, well-defined projects and to the lab members driving them ahead.

If you are interested in supporting our work, please contact Donna Clare at 443-287-2124, or here.

If you prefer to give to VNEL through a quick and simple online site, please click here and enter "Other" and designate "Della Santina Lab/VNEL".

If you are interested in reading about options for bequests or other planned gifts, you can learn more about them here.