Vietnam War Pictures

The pictures you will see on the following pages are pictures from Korea & Vietnam. Special thanks to Jerry Larsen, LT-USN ’64-67, who supplied most of these. They have only been re-worked to fit this format for your viewing pleasure. Any photo can be saved to your computer by just doing a right mouse click and then scrolling to, "Save Picture As" and then deciding where you want to save it to.

Getting the pilot boat ready.

Lowering the pilot boat.

Command area in DaNang

Battalion of Marines being loaded in Okinowa. These guys got stuck up the Dong Ha river on Bayfield boats.

Bayfield Pharmacy

Bayfield in dry dock, YRB 13 is the mess barge that was the ships galley till the on board kitchen & galley was repaired.

Richard Beeman HM3 and his brother Dan, a member of the Air Force Band at Hickam AFB.

Richard Beeman sitting on the bow rail while the Bayfield was tied up to the new deep water pier in DaNang, pictures/vietnam.

Forward looking at the bow in dry dock.

Loading equipment –in Okinawa or Subic.


Operation Starlite, August, 1965, at Baie de my Han, Vietnam.

Prisoner exchange – marines to south Korean troops - somewhere off the coast of Vietnam.

LT Jerry Larsen, in Inchon, freezing to death in October after a summer in Vietnam. White gloves and sword to greet visiting ROK generals.

Jitneys – Manila.

chandeliers in President's palace, Manila PI.

beard growing contest.

Tiger division on board the Bayfield.

DaNang harbor – MSTS and merchant ships waiting to be offloaded.

Fish market in front of “white elephant” building in DaNang.

Downtown DaNang. Traffic cop kiosk.

DaNang book store.