From Swansea Boy to American GI:

The Story of Cliff Guard

Clifford's biography is entitled



written by Geraint Thomas,

When he was an Evening Post Reporter, is available from Amazon.

G.I. LIMEY - A biography by Geraint Thomas

Clifford Edwin Guard was born in 1923, in the South Wales sea town of Swansea, into a life of abject poverty. By the age of 15 he sought escape through joining the merchant navy and set about exploring the world.

When the Second World War broke out he took part in the Atlantic convoys before joining the US Army after finding himself in New York soon after the Americans entered the war.

Having landed on Omaha Beach, as part of the 3rd Armoured Division, he and his pals spent the next 11 months at the forefront of the battle to push the German Army all the way back to the heart of Germany.

GI Limey is a rags to riches tale of triumph over adversary, a real-life Boy’s Own adventure, laced with friendships forged in the heat of battle that only a soldier can truly understand. With its shockingly honest description of combat, at times brutal to read, you are left in no doubt how death and destruction can haunt a soldier for the rest of their life.

This DVD tells the amazing story of Cliff Guard, a former American GI who was initially born in Swansea to a life of seeming poverty; and yet engaged on a truly remarkable life journey that is both fascinating and enlightening. Going against his Mother’s wishes, Cliff joined the Merchant Navy and, while on a trip to New York, decided to become a US citizen and joined the US Army as a GI. It was a decision that changed his life forever.

Part 1: Formation of Swansea Boy’s Club; Merchant Navy; Becoming an American Soldier; Preparing for War.

Following his enlistment, Cliff saw much service in the Second World War and fought at Omaha beach, the Felaise Gap and other intense battles. He also helped liberate two Concentration Camps and was part of the forces that went on to occupy Germany after the war.

Returning to Swansea later in life, he has more recently gone on to meet the Queen and other members of the Royal Family. He is also an active member of the British Legion and has attended numerous Remembrance Day parades.

All available on uTube

Part 2: War and Omaha Beach; Felaise Gap; Seigfried Line and Archen; Liberation of Jewish Concentration Camps; Christmas and Battle of the Bulge; The Elbe; Helping the German People.

Part 3: Back to American and Civilian Life; Back to Swansea; Laying Wreath London Cenotaph; Newton Village Hall Dedication; Meeting the Queen; Laying Wreath Mumbles Cenotaph.

Cliff Guard at his 93rd birthday party

at Sketty, Swansea on 16 Sept 2016

with Peter Dover Wade, John Powell, & Geraint Thomas

Cliff & Maggie Guard

At the unveiling of the American Memorial

at Newton Village Hall, 12 November 2012

The Lord Lieutenant of West Glamorgan, D Byron Lewis Esq., with Cliff Guard

after they jointly unveiled the American Memorial at Newton Village Hall, 12 November 2012

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From Swansea Boy to American GI: The Story of Cliff Guard

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