•(2) Kraft asks for additional suggestions and information


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Nov. 12, 2010

Council Member Kraft has elaborated on his request for a source (link - recently removed by Mr. Kraft):

“I have been unable to find anybody who can confirm MS Carr’s statement. I would press for further investigation if MS Carr could reveal the source of her information. The “source” can be a person, a document or a direction that could provide the information that MS Carr reports.”

Nov. 14, 2010

Paulette Carr, Gannon Ave.:

Mr. Kraft, I would have imagined that all of this was discussed in the nearly 2-hour closed session meeting of October 4th, but since there are no public records (other than the two votes taken), I do not know. Ms. Pumm told me that the emails that were provided to me by Ms. Ricci were also provided to all of council. Since these emails came from Ms. Ricci, the emails were only the ones that she sent to her Gmail account. Others that Ms. Ricci sent only to Ms. Pumm or Mr. Walker were not included in this packet. I asked Ms. Pumm if your packets contained the confidential emails that Ms. Ricci wrote that she was withholding: Ms. Pumm said no. When I asked her why, she told me verbally that the council members did not request that information.

I find it remarkable that no one on Council requested these, especially after the nearly 2 hour closed session meeting. I will take you at your word (link) that you are seeking “additional suggestions and information.” I would hope that we would all be concerned with the security of the private identifiable information of our employees: 6 weeks have passed since the entire council discussed this on October 4, 2010 in closed session - and 60 days have passed since the actual transfer of the files!

As I have previously stated and written, the information will be found in the employee census excel spreadsheet that was attached to one of the emails that Ms. Ricci sent from the HR Manager’s computer (hrmgr) on September 17, 2010. It is my understanding that this spreadsheet was attached to an email that Ms. Ricci sent to Mr. Walker, Ms. Pumm and to one of her private Gmail addresses. This is the primary source and the most reliable.

You could also consider secondary sources to determine whether the Social Security numbers are in this spreadsheet. This is NOT as reliable. Since it was located on the HR manager’s computer, it was authored by Ms. Yolanda Williams, the former HR Manager, and she could tell you exactly what was included in this spreadsheet - if you wanted to ask her.

And of course, you could ask Ms. Ricci or Mr. Walker to provide you with a printout of the unedited employee census excel spreadsheet for examination… BUT you would have to make sure that this was unedited – without filtering or compressing of columns. This source would present the most problems since many believe this is not an unbiased source - Ms. Ricci and Mr. Walker are directly affected by the outcome of the determination... but NOT as directly affected as the employees!

The former IT Director, Leisha Meine, sent an email (which you provided to me as a public document) to Janet Watson, her immediate supervisor, in which she advised her of the compromise of “sensitive data.” Ms. Watson would have had access to those emails sent from the HR manager’s computer by Ms. Ricci. (Please note that Ms. Meine makes mention of financial data, as well.)

In that same email, Ms. Meine writes that the information was passed along to Mr. Crow, Mr. Price and Mr. Sharpe. They should have the emails listing the type of sensitive data” – which would include the normal email headings of the sender, the recipient(s), the subject, the date and time, and the attachments names (but not the attachments themselves). You could ask these council members if you could see those emails and look for the email that includes the employee census excel spreadsheet. Then you would still have to locate the employee census excel spreadsheet on the HR manager's computer.

The most direct pathway is as follows: The Council should check the sent folder of the email client on the former HR manager’s computer for a list of emails that were sent on September 17, 2010 between 6:00 PM and 8:40 PM – assuming that these emails have NOT been removed as they were from Ms. Pumm’s computer. If they have been removed then I would like to suggest that Tech Electronics could retrieve them.

Once you have the email with the attached spreadsheet, you can simply open it (or have an independent counsel do so), and determine if it contains Social Security numbers.

You must open the native file, since you MUST know what was sent without even the possibility of a claim of alteration or modification. Because Ms. Pumm’s records are missing the files sent to her by Ms. Ricci from hrmgr on September 17, 2010, and because of the nature and tone of her answers to my inquiries, she should not be involved in the procurement of information for you. I most respectfully request that you look only at the native attachment to the email from the HR Manager's computer.

Let there by no doubts: you are dealing with the lives and identity security of innocent people. I am counting on you to press for further investigation as you stated in your attached document, "comments lacking source c," [please note: this document has recently been removed by Mr. Kraft] on your web page (https://sites.google.com/site/kraftucitycouncil/temporarly-postings). I would hope that other Council Members would join you in the search for the truth... the employees should be informed, and know for certain about the status of their private identifiable information.

To repeat: the information will be found in the native attachment of the employee census excel spreadsheet to the email that Ms. Ricci sent to Mr. Walker, Ms. Pumm and her Gmail account on the evening of September 17, 2010 between 6:00 PM and 8:40 PM.

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