Screen shots

The following is a screen shot of the jserver when run without any arguments, within a XP, Vista or Windows 7 command console.

The following is a screen shot of jserver being used to generate a .btl file using the Inmos Occam toolset D7205a. Not a single real Transputer in sight - only jserver!

The following are various screen shots of the jserver when running example btl files, within a XP, Vista or Windows 7 command console.

Below is Minix!

The following wine cup image was generated by jserver (using /sh 800) from the rayshade program, ported to run on the T800 transputer by Mike at Refer to the rayshade article at

Another wonderful image generated using rayshade generated by jserver (using /sh 800). It took over two days to generate the 1000 x 800 pixel image on the emulator. The example (called front.ray) is from Rayshade's website

The following is a screen shot of the multiple jserver applications running and comunicating within two Windows 7 command consoles, emulating a 2 transputer network.