Tracfone Mothers Day Special

Tracfone Mothers Day Special

Tracfone Mothers Day Special Cell Phone

There is always a good Tracfone Mothers Day Special. For 2006 you could get free shipping and several of the nicer Pay as you Go Tracfones were up to $20 off. For 2007 they had free shipping again.

2010 Mothers Day Special from Tracfone

The LG 225 is one of the nicest Tracfones. It is normally $79.99. For 2008 Tracfone has put this camera phone on sale for $49.95 and you also get the $29.95 accessory kit for free. This is the only folding camera phone offered by at this time. Also this phone comes with DMFL (double minutes for life). Everytime you put a card into your phone you get double minutes. Normally I recommend the Motorola W370 as the best Tracfone .com deal, while this sale lasts I would buy the LG225. Remember to buy Tracfone minutes cards with your phone.