Blue Star

Pamela L. Dowd

TFGC Blue Star Chairman 2019-2021

It is quite an honor to promote the recognition of those heroes who have served our Country in the Armed Forces. The Blue Star Memorial Program is a worthy and patriotic program that has been in existence through NGC, Inc. for more than 70 years.

There is no better way for the individual Garden Clubs of TFGC to volunteer, than to take on the project of placing a new Blue Star Marker on the highways and byways of "The Volunteer State of Tennessee". If your club or district has sponsored a marker in the past, please check on the condition of that Marker and please provide your District Blue Star Chairman with an updated picture and exact address of the Marker.

If your Club is interested in placing a new Blue Star Marker within Tennessee, please notify your District Blue Star Marker Chairman, who will gladly guide you through this wonderful project.