Ivan Racheff

House & Gardens

The Permanent Headquarters for TFGC is Ivan Racheff House and Gardens located at 1943 Tennessee Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37950-0185.

"Friends of Racheff "

TFGC garden club members are encouraged to contribute $76 per "Friend" to "Friends of Racheff" to help maintain their TFGC Headquarters, Ivan Racheff House and Gardens. "Friends" do not have to be garden club members. Memorials and special recognition for individuals are encouraged.

Why $76? Mr. Ivan Racheff budgeted $76 for his first garden investment. Racheff has been the best kept secret in the state. Let us blitz Tennessee with the news of TFGC's beautiful historic property.


Garden Club with the most creative campaign to enlist "Friends"

Garden Club that enlists the most "Friends of Racheff"

Garden Club that enlists the most "Friends of Racheff to % of Club Members"

Individual whose project/plan enlists the most "Friends"

Make checks payable to TFGC Friends of Racheff. Enclose your check for $76 with this "Friends of Racheff" Enlistment Form and mail to Cathy Donaldson, TFGC Treasurer.

For questions or more information on the project: Contact Linda Ford, Chairman, 865-966-1267 or email lindaford1@charter.net.

Friends of Racheff Enlistment Form Updated 2019.docx

Memorial Wall

This area of the Ivan Racheff Gardens with the wall, fountain and crab orchard stone patio was installed in May of 1976 to memorialize members of Tennessee Federation of Garden Clubs.

Bronze plaques, approximately 8 inches by 2.5 inches with a black background and beveled edges, are placed on the wall and dedicated by garden clubs and family members.

Plaques are ordered by the Racheff Board and the cost including installation on the wall is $150. An order form with payment is required before orders can be placed.

Click on the order form to the right.

Memorial Wall Plaque.docx


Chairman Hal E. Watts (865) 679-3459 hal_watts@bellsouth.net

Vice Chairman Cathy Waitinas (865) 435-4856 waitinas@comcast.net

Recording Secretary Wanda Taylor (865) 719-9744 mommawanda@aol.com

Corresponding Secretary Janie Bitner (865) 966-8870 janie.bitner@live.com

Treasurer Kathleen Boryla-Payne (423) 745-8099 ksborylsa@gmail.com

Asst. Treasurer Rebecca Schular (865) 323-7412 rhshular@gmail.com

Parliamentarian Charlotte Miller (865) 448-6716 tcmille1@charter.net

IvanRacheffHouseGardens Brochure 1-31-2013.pdf