Our Mission

Our mission is to provide you with a collection of resources to help you re-enter a technical field. There are many general resources to aid you in your job search. However, before this website there was a lack of aggregated resources for tech career re-entry. Tech career re-entrants face unique obstacles and need a particular set of resources to overcome those obstacles. We could not find a cost-free website or career center with aggregated resources for people returning to technical work after a career break, even looking at widely used tech career sites such as LinkedIn, Society of Women Engineers, and Anita Borg Institute for Women and Technology. [Please tell us if you know of one.] We have been searching for tech career re-entry techniques and our goal is to share what we have learned in an organized, user-friendly format. According to Shama Kabani, author of The Zen of Social Media, "the future of the web is in content curation and aggregation". If each tech re-entrant has to figure out how to get back into a tech career by trial and error, then the average re-entry will take longer and be harder: time will be wasted investigating solutions when encountering common problems, instead of anticipating and efficiently dealing with them. We are trying to help you move away from the shotgun approach to information gathering and to provide one of the increasing number of sites trying to make sense of all the data. We hope this website will help you to save time in your job search. Navigate the site using tabbed links on the top bar, and look for a table of contents on long pages. Take a short-cut to find the information you need by using the website's search bar above.

We would like to hear from you and learn from your experiences. Please submit your ideas on our LinkedIn group Tech Career Re-Entry.