Snuffles and Stalkings (Reviews)

I love video games, and when I find a game that I like, or think completely sucks, I like to let other people know about it. So, here's where I put those reviews. Feel free to download and read and/or listen to them however long you like, and hopefully, these will help you steer towards or clear of any potential gold mines or lemons. Also remember that these reviews follow the patented Color Code of Brickassity: the cooler the color, the better the game is:

Violet: This color only goes to the best of the best, the cream of the crop, the games you absolutely must have.

Indigo: This color means the game is good, really good, but not quite good enough to be top-notch. In other words, highly recommended.

Blue: This color means that the game has some flaws keeping it down, or it's not for everyone, but is still good enough for those interested in it to buy it. In other words, recommended.

Green: This color is reserved for those games that are only good for a rental; either they're of the 'niche' group of interest, or there's some major flaws that's keeping it from reaching its potential. AKA, mildly recommended.

Yellow: This color is for games that have some serious defects in them. There's a few items in it that make it worth a passing glance, but otherwise, it's best to move away.

Orange: This color is for games that are barely tolerable to look at. Glitches, bugs, and just plain dumb ideas greatly mar the gaming experience. Keep away whenever possible.

Red: Just like with most signs, Red means warning, stay away at all cost lest ye be in really deep shit. There is almost nothing likable about games marked with this color, and thus, deserve to be in that landfill in Nevada with E.T for the Atari 2600. 

Black: Vaporware, canceled games, and other games that were promised us, but never arrived, or games so changed from what we were promised, we might as well have never gotten them at all.