

As a graduate of the Colgate teacher education program, I…

…am active in my professional communities.

*This section is copied from my college, pre-service teaching portfolio. One day I'll get around to revising.

In order to keep myself up-to-date on some of the most current research in mathematics I am a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM). I visit the Council's website at regularly and am conscious to check out the links pertaining to elementary and middle school mathematics in addition to high school math. Having access to journals related to teaching and teaching math, getting tips designed for math teachers, and utilizing weekly problems as bell-ringers, establishes this site as very useful to me and my profession and therefore validates my membership.

I am also a member of the International Reading Association (IRA). I receive monthly newsletters that keep me knowledgeable of the most recent information pertaining to reading and readers of all levels. It is important that all teachers, not simply teachers of Language Arts, are able to diagnose and engage in reading remediation for their students....after all, how can I expect my students to "do" math if they can't read it? All of us are literacy professionals; it is my task to promote mathematical literacy and reading/writing literacy. You can find out more about the IRA at

" Change that emanates from teachers lasts until they find a better way." ~ Roland Barth, Improving Schools from Within