Members Only

This page was created to distribute information to the general membership of Stateline Archery Club. The information is available to the general public as well, but financial information has been removed from club newsletters and other documentation.


The club secretary will provide monthly newsletters to all members via email. Quarterly newsletters will be mailed to all those that do not provide an email address. This is done to reduce the overall cost of distributing these newsletters.

See the bottom of this page for current documents.

Big Buck Contest

Every year, we recognize the club member that shoots the largest scoring whitetail deer.

2017 John Ballentine

Target Committee

The target committee for Stateline manages our target inventories. They create a rotating list of targets for use in our shoots, and provide reports to the membership on what targets need replacement parts or new targets. We rely on these club members to keep our target inventory in great shape. If you have any questions or comments, please contact one these members.

Stateline Archery Club Event Calendar

This calendar is to show everyone the shoot dates, meeting dates, etc. for the club. If you would like to see something added, please contact Jim Boxleiter.