Old News

May 30th, 2012: Uploaded source code that was updated three days ago. July 12th will be the target date for the final release of version 1.0. That will be eleven years to the day that the project was first announced.

April 27th, 2012: Updated development source. See download page for what's new.

April 18th, 2012:

added function documentation and a quick tutorial to the Documentation section.

April 12th, 2012: check out the Download page for an update on the development source and details on what has been updated.

April 4th, 2012: The development source has been updated for version 1.0. One major upgrade from 0.9 to 1.0 is the introduction of the getinput() function. This function will eliminated duplicate code by handing the input for both insert_query() and update_query().

April 1st, 2012: This is NOT an April fools joke, the development source for 1.0 is now available for download from this site. It includes some very recent changes (one major update gives you 10 tries to enter a valid table name rather than exiting if you type one character wrong). The file only contains the C source files, querygen.h, and the MODULE_ChangeLog file(which contains detailed information on what was changed in each file). This will compile and run, hey if it didn't I wouldn't have put it on here. But be warned: there is still much work to be done before I would consider it a stable release.

Back in 2004 I made a post about this project not being dead. Well now its 2012 and I'm finally resuming work on it. I'm going to try to avoid pulling a "Duke Nukem Forever" with this and get version 1.0 out before then end of the year. If all goes according to plan, version 1.0 will be more stable than 0.9 and be an excellent program for making insert, update, and delete queries. However, version 1.0 doesn't mean it's the end of the line for this program. It just means that major updates for the current code should only become minor updates while new code is written that will assist the user in making a "create table" query to be placed in a text file if he/she is just starting a database and does not yet have one.

This site, the new home of SQG came online March 29th, 2012. In the coming weeks I'll add a download page and the older versions for those who wish to download them. Until then all the versions are available to download from the now defunct mirror site: http://stuff-mart.tripod.com.