
The latest version is 1.0

Download the tar.gz of the latest version

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Latest news:

July 12th, 2012

After a nine year hiatus some new code has been written and old code modified to produce SQG version 1.0. Changes include added support for date, time, datetime, real, and text sql datatypes. Also verbose mode has many improvements since 0.9.

sqg-1.0.tar.gz contains the source code and documentation. contains a dos executable in addition to everything that is in the tar.gz file. If you are having any trouble using the program please see the README file and files in docs/en folder.

In the next few days there will be a page added for older version downloads for anyone interested.

May 30th, 2012

Source updated on May 28th, uploaded May 30th. When using the option to remember previously used values while making INSERT queries, primary key column will automatically be incremented for numerical and string datatypes. You will be asked if you want to use the new value. See the last part of the README file for details on how string datatypes are incremented.

April 27th, 2012

DATE, TIME, and DATETIME datatypes are supported now.

Verbose mode can now handle other datatypes not supported by SQG(a datatype specific to one dbms)

When prompted to enter a column name (UPDATE and DELETE queries), you can see a list of column names in the table by typing "?".

New GPL v3 headers in source files.

April 12th, 2012

When using verbose mode to make INSERT queries you will now be asked if you want the program to remember the values you enter for possible use in the next query.

Another new feature (although not presented on screen) is when making INSERT queries you can discard the values you typed in and have a redo. Very helpful if like me,

you get to typing too fast and don't realize you made a mistake until you already hit 'Enter'. To use this just type 'r' when asked if you are done making INSERT INTO queries.

If you do not have any text files with CREATE TABLE queries, you can use example_multimedia_tables.txt if you just want to try out the program.

April 4th, 2012

Updated the development source. getinput() does a much better job at handling default values. some while loops were changed to do/while loops.

SQG Files: