



- The DLI Sustainment and Enhancement course is still under development but promises to take a learner beyond beginner's level.

- If you would like Persian courses on Livemocha vote here in their poll.


Wikipedia Persian, Dari, Tajik,

- Lots of info on the history, phonology, grammar, vocabulary, script, dialects .

School of Oriental and African Studies - About Persian

- Information on the Persian language, difficulty and literature.

Handbook for Students of Persian

- Helpful information about Persian, frequently asked questions by students, and online and offline resources.

UCLA Persian Profile, Dari Profile & Tajik Profile

- Nice article with map about the grammar, history, related languages, script & role in society of Persian, Dari & Tajik.

Pahlawi/Fari/Dari by Rameen Moshref

- Essay about the different names used for Persian throughout history.

Omniglot Persian, Dari & Tajik

- Info on the language, scripts used to write it & links.

Farsi - Persian

- Some info about Farsi, Iran and languages spoken in Iran.

Dari Language

- Essay on the history of Dari and its literature & poetry.

Languages of the world Persian

- Very concise article on dialects, structure, writing & resources.

Transparent Farsi

- Overview of the language, alphabet, vocabulary and grammar.

Courses Beginners/Basic +

Easy Persian Available in English and Spanish

- 130+ lessons on grammar vocab & how to write Persian with audio & lots of exercises. A fantastic resource. A Spanish version .

Persian for Beginners by Iraj Bashiri Available in English & Russian

- A complete course with grammar explanations, dialogues, drills, exercises, audio and a writing tutorial.

Virtual Persian

- Lessons from beginning to advanced based on reading Persian text and listening to audio. Also has an alphabet tutorial.

Stanmore Farsi class 2007

- Beginner's course with grammar explanations, vocab, exercises and audio.

تعلم اللغة الفارسية

80 + lessons with audio and transcript. Only available in Arabic.

Livemocha Farsi

- Teaches entirely in Hindi through audio & pictures. Lots of lessons & exercises and an active community.

Courses Intermediate +/Supportive courses

GLOSS Persian & Dari by the Defense Language Institute

- Improve your Persian or Dari with lessons on reading & listening comprehension. Intermediate and beyond level.

Weekly Training Events by the Defense Language Institute

- Improve your Persian or Dari with listening & reading lessons from authentic material. Intermediate and beyond level.

Intermediate listening and reading project

- Multimedia exercises to improve student's listening and reading ability in Tajiki. Free registration required.

Princeton Uni Persian

- Basic dialogues and readings with audio from the textbook 'Modern Persian Spoken and Written' by D. L. Stilo.


Farsi Teachionary

- Java based site with audio to learn Farsi vocabulary.


- Lots of links to sites useful when learning Persian.

Digital Dialects Farsi

- Flash based exercises for learning basic vocabulary.

Linguanaut Farsi

- A short list of survival Farsi phrases and vocabulary.

DLI field support Persian & Dari

- Various language survival kits available, some specific to the military.

Persian is sugar!

- 7 lessons in romanised Persian, with grammar, exercises & vocab.

Transparent Farsi

- A few quizzes and games.

Travlang Farsi

- Interactive tests for learning useful words and phrases for travellers, with audio.

Persian in Texas

- University website offering a lot of material, including audio, songs, courses and tutorials, poetry, film clips, vocab and more.

Dialects of Persian

- Simultaneous text with pop-up translation and audio for Farsi, Dari and Tajik.


- Tutorials on the alphabet and writing Persian, as well as info on vocab and grammar.


- Several articles about Iranian languages, Persian dialects, Iran history, culture etc in English and Persian.

Anamnese Persan Only available in French

- An online grammar of Persian, dictionary and comparison between Persian and Indo-european languages.

Persian Wikibooks

- Wikibooks for Persian in various states of completion in several languages. The English & German versions are the most complete.

Persian Фарси Only available in Russian

- Articles on Iran and the Persian language, downloadable textbooks, pop-up dictionaries etc.

Royaa Farsi

- Some basic romanised lessons focusing on simple grammar and vocab.

Wikitravel Persian phrasebook

- A nice phrasebook introducing basic grammar, pronunciation and useful words and phrases.

Online Persian Language Learning Resource

- A collection of links for Persian learners including online lessons, radio, textbooks, news sites, articles, poetry, writing system etc.

Itty Bitty Dari Course

- 5 basic conversation lessons teaching around 80 common words, uses romanization.

Persian Online - Grammar and Resources

- University website with online reference grammar, video clips, quizzes, vocabulary lists, proverbs, essays and more.

Tadschikisch für Einsteiger Only available in German

- 22 audio lessons on Tajiki grammar.


Easy Persian Available in English and Spanish

- The first 10 lessons teach Persian script thoroughly, with audio, drills and animations showing how to write each letter.

Persian for Beginners by Iraj Bashiri Available in English & Russian

- Includes a 39 page coursebook on how to write Persian, with audio and lots of exercises.

Virtual Persian

- Includes a tutorial introducing all the letters in the Persian script, with example words and audio.

Afghan Education

- Guide to the Dari script, handwriting & numbers.

The Persian Alphabet

- Short guide to the Persian alphabet, with a chart of the letters and pronunciation tips.

Let's Learn Farsi

- Tutorial on the alphabet and writing Farsi, with pictures and exercises.


Persian language and culture by Elahe Mir-Djalali, 1992

- A grammar book, teacher's manual and course book all in one.

Introductory Persian by Donald L. Stilo and others, 1966

- Peace Corps course based on dialogues and exercises.

Conversational Persian by Homa Svare and others, 1966

- Peace Corps course covering a variety of different subjects.

Intermediate Dari for Peace Corps Volunteers

- 8 different units that teach using presentation, reinforcement, recapitulation and conversation drills.

FSI Spoken Dari

- Thorough course used to train US diplomats, unfortunately, no audio is available right now.

English-Dari Dictionary 1979

FSI Basic Persian

- Thorough and useful course, however, only units 1-12 are available.

DLI Persian I, II, III, III drills, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII 1967

- Thorough course used by the US military, unfortunately no audio is available right now.

DLI Persian Reader, glossary & notes 1967

DLI Persian Skits & Reader 1975

DLI Persian: A Guide to Persian Reading & Writing 1966

DLI Persian Reader - Area Background 1966

DLI Persian Dictionary 1966

English-Farsi phrasebook 1989

Higher Persian Grammar by D. C. Phillott, 1919

- A comprehensive book on Persian grammar.

Iran textbooks

- Many school textbooks from elementary to university level are available here.

Descriptive Grammar of New Persian by N. Fazel In En & De

- Academic grammar with example sentences, looks fairly comprehensive.

ペルシア語入門 by Adelah SA 'Idzadeh Only available in Japanese

- Complete course with alphabet tutorial, vocab, grammar explanations, dialogues, lots of exercises and more.

Moscowicro Persian Only available in Russian

- An e-book on Persian writing with audio to accompany.


- A collection of e-books about Tajiki in German and Russian.

Review of the Persian Writing System 2003

- Overview of the writing system, specifically for Tajiki.


Chai and Conversation

- A teacher and student team teaches basic vocabulary, phrases and grammar for conversational Persian.

Farsi for You ep. 1-15, 70-161 & 162-186 from IRIB World Service

- Podcast for learning spoken Farsi through dialogues. Unfortunately, there is no well-organised archive of episodes.

Central Asian News

- News articles in simplified language from Indiana university.


Unilang Persian forum

- Find help about learning Persian, information on the language and resources (online & offline).

Authentic Materials

TRT Persian, TRT Dari, BBC Tajik, BBC Persian, NHK, RFI, VOA Persian, VOA Dari

- News, podcasts, radio & video (on VOA) in Persian, Dari & Tajiki

SBS Persian & SBS Dari

- Radio and podcasts about culture, news, science, entertainment; lots of interesting material.


Persian fonts

WordChamp Persian Webreader

- A pop-up dictionary that annotes Persian sites and text.

Digital Dictionaries of South Asia

- 2 dictionaries for Persian, fully searchable and with romanization and script.


- Downloadable and online searchable two-way romanized Persian dictionary.

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