SW News

SW Regional History

SW regional history.mp4

Here is also some breaking news from International.  The Ad Hoc Committee will be holding a series of one hour Listening Tours to help determine how voting for candidates for International office and voting on proposed bylaws and resolutions should proceed in the future.  These listening tours will be held via Zoom.  The first series of Tours are scheduled on Tuesday, January 9 at 6 pm Central Time (CT) Thursday, January 11 at 8 pm (CT); Saturday, January 13 at 2 pm CT and Monday, January 22 at 7 pm CT. Watch the International News and CONNECT for details on how to join in on the discussion.  Additional Listening Tours will be held later in the Spring, see the next KAPPAN for details.  The Spring Tour dates are as follows: March 5 (6pm CT), March 7 (8pm CT), March 11 (7pm CT), March 16 (2pm CT) - watch for communication with information to join by zoom at a later date.  Member input is vital on this issue and I encourage you to attend and to spread the word!