SW Membership Updates

Notes from SW INTERNATIONAL Membership Consultant

. . . Jeanie Hinck

Greetings Southwest Sisters,

Several Southwest leaders have been fortunate enough to enjoy online sessions about forming Alpha Delta Kappa Collegiate Clubs. These are hosted by Chloe Woodruff, first President of the Collegiate Club at Ball State University and now an Alpha Delta Kappa member of Indiana Tau Chapter and serving as Indiana Vice President of Membership. Chloe has graciously consented to lead these sessions and those of us attending have been impressed with how well she has articulated the path toward the formation of Collegiate Clubs.

Chloe has outlined the process that was used at Ball State and the current process being used at Indiana State University. She graduated from Ball State and was initiated into Indiana Tau chapter as soon as the International Bylaws were changed to allow former members of a Collegiate Club to become active Alpha Delta Kappa members. She is well informed about Collegiate Clubs and is passionate about the benefits to students and to the chapters in which they will become involved.

Mary Ann Gerdes (RMC for the North Central Region) and Roberta Casabon (North Central Region International Vice President) asked Chloe to lead sessions on Collegiate Clubs for the leadership of the North Central Region. Interest in Collegiate Clubs has since grown and currently many sisters including International Officers, MRC and NCR leaders are taking part in the sessions. A special thanks to Mary Ann for opening it up to those of us interested in supporting Collegiate Clubs in our areas and a huge thank you also to Chloe for taking on this project. She is teaching full time, serving as VPM for Indiana and is currently taking classes to further her education. This young lady certainly knows how to stretch herself.

I realize that many sisters were unable to take part in the Collegiate Club 101 series of seminars being hosted. If you were unable to attend the sessions or were unaware of the opportunity, I have the recorded seminars to offer to our Southwest leadership. (The first two sessions are available and I will obtain the remaining sessions once they are recorded) Those of you interested in exploring the possibility of establishing a Collegiate Club in your S/P/N, simply email jean.hinck@gmail.com and I will forward you the recorded sessions. I also have the overviews of the Collegiate Club sessions if you wish to become more familiar with what is being offered.

I sincerely hope that you take advantage of this opportunity to hear first-hand about the steps involved in establishing a future ADKCC.


Jeanie Hinck

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