April 17, 2014

SoulFood Poetry Night celebrates National Haiku Poetry Day

Haiku Northwest celebrates its twenty-fifth anniversary with a reading from No Longer Strangers, a wide-ranging new anthology of haiku, senryu, and haibun by 78 contributors from Washington, Oregon, Alaska, and British Columbia. Haiku Northwest members will read their own work from the anthology, plus poems from a memorial section featuring deceased members. Visit the Haiku Northwest website for more information about the group, which meets monthly in the Seattle area. For more information about National Haiku Poetry Day, visit the Haiku Foundation website.

Readers were anthology contributors Terran Campbell, Seren Fargo, Ida Freilinger, William Scott Galasso, Connie Hutchison, Wini Jaeger, Roy Kindelberger, Dejah Léger, C. R. Manley, Tanya McDonald, Marilyn Sandall, Michelle Schaefer, Carmen Sterba, Judt Shrode, Angela Terry, Michael Dylan Welch, and Stuart Zobel. Stuart also played his guitar and Dejah showed her anthology artwork and talked about her papercut process.