Officer Duties

These are the proposed responsibilities for the club officiers.


Coordinate and schedule meetings

Run meetings/set agenda and direction of club

Attend MOST club functions

Schedule/run Officer’s meetings (brainstorming sessions)

Vice President

Learn and do whatever the Pres does

Sub for President at meetings when necessary

Maintain store bulletin boards as follows:

*Upcoming Competitions

*Local and club events (demos,etc.)

*Brochures and business cards

*Contact prospective members from sign-up sheet and replenish same when needed


*Membership cards

*Maintain paid member list and distribute to officers

*In charge of club funds

*Keep accurate records/book of receipts and complete required corporate filings


Maintain “public” member list and distribute

Take minutes and give to newsletter person in timely manner

Membership cards

Maintain paid member list and distribute to officers

Update bylaws


Develop and maintain the club website

Keep information CURRENT

Respond to website inquiries re: membership and meetings

Newsletter Editor

Create and distribute the club newsletter on a monthly basis

Things to be placed in the newsletter


2.Minutes from previous meeting

3.AHA Club only list

4.Other upcoming comps.

5. Beer related articles Ad

7. Upcoming events

a. Tastings

b. Brewery Dinners

c. Club Activities

1.) Meeting – Date and Location

2.) Demos

3.) Tastings / Beer Evaluations