Club Rentals

These are available for club members in good standing ONLY.

First come first serve. (Club is using all on MHF, so don't even ask)

To borrow something, you can email the group, me (Scott), or Bob.

The Rental money:

The money we are getting for rentals will go toward the up keep of the equipment.

The tent will need patching, possible new poles, better stakes.

The bar always needs new lines, connectors\faucets wear out.

Go to the page for pictures.

20x20 Tent (Canopy)

$10 first rent, $5 every rent after for the calender year.

1 Set string lights


Please don't break the bulbs.

"The Bar" Main bar

$5, Please cleaned well, after use.

7 faucets (with chill plate)

The "Side Bar" 9 faucets

$5, Please cleaned well, after use.

"The Coffin"

Large mashtun (Can be used for brewing or beer\pop\water for a party)


Glass Washers (2)

1 Uses power with 2 buckets

1 Uses pressured keg, pushes to bucket

Brew Pot (30G)

Brew Pot with 2 output ports and 1 recirculation port