Quantum Field Theory I, Fall 2022


Lecture Notes, Video

lecture1 (Introduction, Lagrangian formulation, Noether theorem)

lecture2 (Free scalar fields, Feynman propagator)

lecture3 (Clifford algebra, Free Dirac fields)

lecture4 (Free Dirac fields II)

lecture5 (Free electromagnetic field, quantum fields with Interactions)

lecture6 (Perturbation theory and Feynman diagrams)

lecture7 (S-matrix)

lecture8 (Tree level amplitude)

lecture9 (QED at tree level, Idea of renormalization)

lecture10 (Anomalous magnetic moment)

lecture11 (Infrared divergence, Bremsstrahlung, Electron self-energy, Mass renormalization)

lecture12 (Renormalization of electric charge, Running coupling constant )

lecture13 (Ward-Takahashi identity)

lecture14 (Kallen-Lehmann spectral representation, LSZ reduction formula)

We will follow Peskin and Schroeder.

During the lecture, I play videos of some interviews and talks of prominent physicists.

Interview with Hans Bethe

Interview with Freeman Dyson

Interview with Murray Gell-Mann

S. Weinberg on Prospects for Further Unification in the Theory of Elementary Particles: Transcript and Video