Quantum Field Theory, extension 2014 (3 ECTS)


The main theme of this course is to study quantum electrodynamics. We will treat quantization of abelian gauge fields, computations of scattering amplitudes in QED, Loop corrections, Ward-Takahashi identity. If time permits, we will introduce the concept of renormalization. The course is an extension of the course on quantum field theory taught by Alejandra Castro.


Quantum Field Theory. Mark Srednicki


An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory. Michael E. Peskin, Daniel V. Schroeder

Quantum Field Theory. Claude Itzykson, Jean-Bernard Zuber

Lecture note by David Tong. Quantum Field Theory

Hours and Rooms:

Tuesday (G0.05) in 15:00-17:00 [Warning: Room has changed!] and Thursday (G2.10) in 13:00-15:00 [Warning: Time has changed!]


Jan. 7th - Jan. 28th


Satoshi Nawata, NIKHEF theory group, H352, snawata [at] gma*l.com

Grading Scheme:

Two sets of homework

Lecture Notes:

Quantization of abelian gauge fields (Itzykson-Zuber Sec. 3.2, Tong Sec. 6, Peskin-Schroeder Sec 9.4)

Scattering amplitude in QED (Srednicki Sec 58-61, Peskin-Schroeder Sec 5)

Loop corrections in QED (Srednicki Sec 14,62, Peskin-Schroeder Sec 7.5)

Electron vertex correction (Srednicki Sec 62-64, Peskin-Schroeder Sec 6.2,6.3)

Ward-Takahashi identity (Srednicki Sec 67,68, Peskin-Schroeder Sec 7.4,9.6)

Renormalization (Peskin-Schroeder Sec 12.1)


Homework set I (Due at 3pm on Jan. 21st)   Solution set I (See Peskin-Schroeder Sec 5.5 for Problem 1)

Homework set II (Due at 3pm on Jan. 30th)