Copy All Tabs

Easy Copy can also copy all tabs in the current window or all open windows. Tabs are copied in order from left to right.

To copy all tabs, just right-click and select the Copy All Tabs menu (instead of the Easy Copy menu):

Choose Tabs To Copy

If you have a lot of tabs open or you just want to copy tabs from a specific site, you can set an option to choose the tabs you want to copy. Easy Copy will pop up a dialog that allows you to select the interesting tabs:

Easy Copy - Choose Tabs Dialog

You can select the relevant tabs by clicking the green dots and then click Copy. Easy Copy will only copy information from the selected tabs into the template.

There's also a search box that allows you to filter which tabs you want to copy based on the Title or URL. So typing wiki in the example above would only display the tabs from Wikipedia. If you click copy then only those visible tabs will be copied.

The search is case-insensitive and displays tabs where either the the Title or the URL matches. Search text is matched anywhere within the Title or URL, so to match Wikipedia you could either type wiki or pedia.