2021-2022 Basketball Information

Registration Cost:

Clinic (K-1st): $30.00

Intramural (1st-3rd): $50.00

Competitive (3rd-8th): $140.00*

*This represents the fee for Competitive teams playing in two leagues (County and CYO). For Competitive teams playing in only one league, a refund of $70.00 will be issued no later than TBD.

Registration Deadlines:

Clinic and Intramural: October 20th, 2021

Competitive: October 15th, 2021

Depending on number of players, registration for particular age groups may remain open longer to fill teams.

Practices and Games:

Practices will start the week of TBD.

Games will begin the weekend of TBD ending TBD.


Volunteers are needed at all levels. If you've ever considered coaching, now is the time! Slade Service hours are available. All volunteers must be VIRTUS compliant (details here). Competitive coaches must also have a valid AACO background check completed.

If you wish to volunteer, please be sure to register accordingly. This information will be used to verify all compliance and service hours.

For more information please email msladebball@gmail.com.