Casitecturas 2008-09

“Architecture must be an object of our memory. When we evoke, when we conjure the memory for seeing clearer, we put associations one upon the other the same way as we put bricks one upon the other when constructing a building. The memory is a form of architecture.”

Louise Bourgeois

"La Casa de Victor"

Series: Casitecturas brooch: silber, copper, resine, enamel

"La Casa de Virginia"

Series: Casitecturas brooch: silber, copper, resine, enamel

"La Casa de Balduin"

Series: Casitecturas brooch: silber, copper, resine, enamel

In this series I was engaged with joining imaginary walls, constructing small pieces of wearable architecture, which conjure passed times: living to see, experiencing and living together.

The “Casitecturas” become receptacles of feelings and impressions .

Small labyrinths of the memory, which invite to imaginary interior walks.

"La Casa de Lorenzo"

Series: Casitecturas brooch: silber, copper, resine, enamel

"La Casa de Trudy"

Series: Casitecturas brooch: silber, copper, resine, enamel

"La Casa de Rosa"

Series: Casitecturas brooch: silber, copper, resine, enamel

Halls, windows and walls, constituting altogether a whole building and communicating with each other at the same time. Floors that have been trodden thousands of times until getting wornout. Walls , whose ornaments and decorations have been changing as the years passed by, creating layers of colours, of silhouettes, whose shadows are still perceptible,one upon the other like memories. Rooms with windows looking outward, allowing to watch outer changes from the protecting inside. Windows, that permit daylight to fall in, windows, that have been crossed for thousands of times by pensive looks.

"La Casa de Anton"

Series: Casitecturas bracelet: silber, copper, resine, enamel still available Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h

"La Casa de Elvira"

Series: Casitecturas bracelet: silber, copper, resine, enamel

"La Casa de Marta"

Series: Casitecturas bracelet: silber, copper, resine, enamel still available Galerie Noel Guyomarc'h

Terraces, inner and outer space at the same time, airy inner yards, which relieve the feeling of being locked in.

Symbolic rooms, worn as brooches on the body, become metaphores by changing the roles. The body, who usually is the guest in a room, shelters the room. The room, whose function is protection, becomes itself a protective amulet.

Silvia Walz 2008