Trip 7

My Summary

Josh came with me this time and we had a busy trip! Started at Dr. Reeds office for my pre-op check up. Got to see my "birthday twin" PA, Doug!! They were all very happy with the healing on my lip and the decreased swelling there as well. Everyone felt like things were progressing well. We did the singing movie again and everything looked fine with my airway, so we got the green light for treatment the next day.

Then we went to the Sheraton to check in. (the DNC was being a room hog and there was nothing available at our normal Marriott.) So we checked in and checked right back out after being grossed out by the room in general, but especially the cockroach in the bathroom! So ya, I'm too much of a snob and too afraid of creepy crawlies to even pretend I could stay there.

Lucky for us we had a back up plan! Jenn Astwood, a friend from my JR High and HS days, had offered to let us stay at her vacant condo since she is still living in San Jose. So Allen, her brother who lives in CO met us out there with the key and the quick tour, and we were able to stay there this trip!!! Thank you so much Jenn & Allen!

Arrived at Swedish the next morning (early of course for those of you who know Josh!) and went upstairs to see Christina (Yakes office staff) to pick up copies of my MRI and angio pics. Now I just have to figure out how to get them up on the site somewhere!

We were able to sneak upstairs to meet Cyndi & her husband Mark. Cyndi also has a facial AVM and has been seeing Dr. Yakes for 4 years! She had treatment on Tuesday and we getting ready to check out of the hospital. (She stays overnight each time.) Her AVM is more extensive than mine and she has faced some large complications with wounds and tissue breakdown. But it was great to meet them.

We then went to admissions and got our favorite admin lady. She had also heard about my website and was thrilled. We gave her a little "business card" with the website adrs on it and talked about what I had been doing for the last few months.

Off to pre-op to see all of Yakes staff and the nurses. Sue was there (my favorite nurse) and of course made us laugh and told us some altogether embarrasing "beaver" stories!!! Her daughter is on her way to North Dakota on an althletic scholorship and everyone was joking about there being NOTHING in ND!!! We all practiced our accents for the region, which I generally associate with Minni-SO-ta! It was silly.

Yakes has a new PA, Eric, who we got to meet and he seems very nice. Of course he had already checked out my website and complimented me on it, so he earned points right off the bat! Rhonda was there as well and was also very encouraged by the healing on my lip. We spent some time talking with Julie and she tried to distract me with stories of other patients while Sue tried to get the IV going (I'm not a one poke kind of girl, unfortunately!)

The day went by very quickly as there had been a cancellation that morning. So they rushed me through pre-op (with the anesthesioligist taking over for Sue to get the IV going) and the transport kid had to wait for a few minutes for the labs to come back. Anesthia went quickly as always, and Jessica (one of the anesthia girls) told me about a website called Kims Kaps so I could get some cute skull caps instead of the boring blue ones that are the default! So next trip I'm gonna get to be all fashionable! :)

Back in post-op I spent about two hours then went back to my room in pre-op, got up to go to the bathroom and change, came back and didn't even have a bed, but a big hospital recliner instead. Got some juice and chocolate ice cream. Chatted for a few minutes with Eric & Rhonda, and then I was out of there and on my way back to the condo. We watched a little of the olympics and I mostly just slept.

Woke up this morning with very LITTLE swelling this time (huge reduction in swelling from the last trip.) Got ready, cleaned the condo so Jenn would let us stay there again! Then off to the airport. Cyndi & Mark were at the gate right next to us so we chatted with them before the plane left. Mark took some pics of us together and I will post them as soon as she emails them over.

The plane ride was good, we did have to stop in San Diego but didn't have to switch planes. Poor Josh had a punk ass college kid (drinking Jack & Coke) next to him who both thought Josh was his pillow and also that the plane was some kind of dance club/rave that he had been invited to! He was entertaining me and the flight crew, but my (very mature and doesn't remember when he was a punk ass kid) husband was SUPER annoyed with him. Luckily Josh's neighbor from SD to Sac was normal and spent the trip just reading his book!

So now we are home and I just took a 3 hour nap. I'm feeling great after this treatment and should be back to myself within just a few days!

Go to Trip 8

Medical Mumbo Jumbo

Coming soon! Just waiting for the operation report from Denver...