
- Engage Dominion, Cardassian, and Breen ships in a 5-race campaign map.

- Use FleetPick utility to command Dominion, Cardassian, and Breen ships in SP skirmish.

- New custom minidw campaign which includes NuclearWessel, El-karnak, and Pelican's missions.

- New models for 17 canon stock ships.

- Retextures for various stock ships, stations, and all planets.

- Added Species 8472 bioship as Monster.

- Added 19 canon ships and stations.

- Added 13 non-canon designed ships.

- New damage textures for all ships and stations.

- All canon ships and stations are resized to the scale of Ex-Astris-Scientia.org.

- Included SFC3 Sound Package for new sound effects.

- SFC3 Access server update included.

- Enable blue type IX phasers and used for Polaron beams of Dominion ships.

- Only type X phasers and above are available by Federation ships.

- Added missing Polaron-core textures.

- Use K-photon Torpedo for Polaron Torpedo of Dominion ships.

- Klingon and Federation ships use same type of Photon torpedo.

- New atmosphere, shield, ion storm textures.

- Added new hardpoints for many canon stock ships.

- Myotronic beam and shield inversion beam are available by both Romulan and Borg.

- Defiant and Eximius can refit cloak device.

- Miscellanous specs tweaks.