Please Help Us!

Dear Friends,

Unless we act now, the Chaplaincy at Southampton University will be gone.

The Diocese of Winchester has pushed through shocking cuts that will withdraw the funding for the Chaplaincy. Without this funding, the ecumenical Chaplaincy at Southampton will not be able to continue and will cease entirely.

We believe this is wrong.

    • Students – some very vulnerable – will lose vital pastoral care.

    • They will lose a facility that strengthens faith and can save lives.

    • A great community – open to those of all faiths and none – will be homeless.

With no chaplain or chaplaincy, many students will have nowhere to turn to for support. We cannot let this happen.

You can help us save the Chaplaincy

The amount of money we need to save the Chaplaincy is small. Just £10,000 per year raised by students, parents, alumni and friends of the Chaplaincy will be enough.

This will prove to the diocese that we want and need the Chaplaincy. It will preserve a vital service and a venue that is used by students of all faiths or none.

If 500 people pledge to donate just £20 per year – we WILL save the Chaplaincy.

If 1000 people pledge to donate just £10 per year – we WILL save the Chaplaincy.

Could you be one of those people?

How you can help

Please help us. You can save the Chaplaincy for Southampton students if you pledge to donate.

Please act now, before our chaplaincy is gone for ever. You can donate and pledge your support at

Thank you. With your help we will be extending the hand of faith and friendship to future generations of students.

Yours sincerely,

Alex Jones


University of Southampton Chaplaincy Associate

BA Hons History 2005 - 2008