
Saturday, Oct 18, 2014 10am- FALL WORK DAY!

What a wild gardening season! From cold to hot to dry to wet to frost, Mother Nature had her way with us this year! Now it's time to put the Community Garden into hibernation until the spring.

We have scheduled Saturday, October 18th to wrap things up beginning at 10:00 a.m. Sunday, October 19th will be the alternate day in case of rain, snow, hurricanes or some other type of Biblical weather creeps in on Saturday.

Parks and Rec will leave their truck at the Garden in which to put all of the leftover vegetation. With full plotter participation, we should be able to wrap things up in a few hours.

Here's what we need to do:

All plots need to be cleaned out unless you are planting garlic or a cover crop for next season

Hoses and any other equipment need to be stored in shed

General cleanup of all areas in the Garden

What you'll need to bring:

Shovel, rake, wheelbarrow (if you can) and any other garden tools you can think of. We'll be doing a lot of digging and hauling so any equipment you can share will help.

We will also talk about what we can do to help prevent the "missing tools and veggies" incidences we encountered this year. Your thoughts are needed and appreciated. We've also come up with some new ideas for next season and would like your ideas too!

So mark your calendars for Oct. 18th (or 19th) at 10:00 a.m. Even if you have already cleaned up your personal plots(s) please attend. There are many other areas of the Garden that require attention and your participation is needed. This is a Community effort and we're all part of this wonderful project.

We look forward to seeing all of you and hearing about all your veggie triumphs as well as the ones that got away. I have a few of my own like opening up my hoop house after the frost and staring at 8 murdered tomato plants (I know it wasn't suicide) that were just in the process of producing ripe fruit. I cried until icicles formed on my face.

Enjoy this fabulous fall weather we are having! We know what's coming next....

Your Partners in Thyme,

Elissa, Louella, Michelle, Christie and Pat

5/13/14 UPDATE (please read!)

I'm adding a quick note to Pat's community garden update (see below). The garden plots are now fully rented for the 2014 season, and I have attached the final garden map.

A couple of points about the water:

    • this year, the main water supply is set in the "on" position over by the backstop. So there is no need to walk over there to turn it on & off;
    • please take an extra few seconds to walk back to the spigot you were using and close it before leaving the garden. Yesterday evening, I found both spigots near the garden shed end of the garden on & leaking profusely;
    • please do not rely on the fact that the hand wand is off. We still have leaks where the hoses connect & at each spigot. The only way to avoid a major leak & huge water bill from the City, is to be vigilant about turning off the water at the spigot location;
    • in the spirit of community, please help your fellow gardeners and check all 4 spigots are set in the off position before you leave the garden.

About the hoses:

    • everyone has a favorite hose, and we've found people drag their favorite hoses across rows and plots. Please be considerate to your fellow gardeners. If you do move a hose across rows, please return it to the row it belongs when you're done.
    • I did test all 6 hand-wands this week and they worked just fine. Please do not switch out or remove the hand-wands. If there is something wrong with the one at your hose location, please let me know.

New gardeners:

    • I believe we have a few newbie gardeners this year. If you would like any assistance with your plot(s), what to plant, what is a weed vs self-sown plant (we have dill, calendula, kale, cilantro, etc. all springing up from last year's crops), or any other questions please let me know. I'm at the garden most evenings, and can arrange to meet you there.

Happy Gardening!


On 5/14/2014 6:31 AM, Pat Wentworth wrote:

Good Morning!

Have you planted yet? Well get your booties going 'cuz it's time!

Here are some items we'd like to get finished and we need everyone to participate:

1. Water - The water is now on permanently so we don't have to turn the main on and off. The individual water outlets in the garden just need to be turned on and OFF. When you are finished watering please make sure you turn the spigots off. If you are the last one in the garden please check ALL hoses to insure that they are turned off.

2. Any dandelions you see in the garden area , please help by digging them up by the roots. The city is doing there part but we are responsible for the garden area. This is important as it will help the garden area look that much better. So please take the time to dig a few up as you see them.

3. An easy way to get rid of the weeds around your beds is to spray them with white vinegar. Only spray the weeds AROUND your beds - not the ones IN your beds. Otherwise you'll be holding funeral services for the veggies you just planted.

4. We are talking about having garden workshops this season so please send me your thoughts on what you would like to learn. I will compile a list of subjects and we will look to find our local experts to give a hands on workshops.

That's it for now. And if you haven't helped lay down the highway cloth (pieces are cut and in the shed) and cover the cloth with shredded bark, please take a couple of minutes and help out. The bed aisles closest to the baseball field are the ones in most need of this.

Thanks for joining us in what's started out to be a fantastic spring. Yahoo!

Your Partners in Thyme,

Elissa, Christie, Michelle, Louella, Mary Catherine & Pat

4/19/14: FIRST WORK DAY OF 2014!!!

Hello All You Plotters!

In spite of where we live and the odds of not having another bout of white stuff to wipe the smiles off our faces, our Community Garden will have it's first Play-day on Saturday, April 19th. We'll start at 10:00 a.m. and finish when we drop or the temperature does. As always if Saturday doesn't work due to Ucky weather, then Sunday April 20th will be the backup day. And if by some chance that weekend doesn't work then the following Saturday (26th) and Sunday (27th) will be our next choice.

Many of you are return plotters and we're so thrilled you're back. To all of you newbies we wish you a warm welcome and look forward to meeting you on our Play-day. I will be sending out all the details in the next two weeks of what we'll be doing; what you'll need to bring and all that jazz.

We've got some cool news to talk with you about and as usual we'll go over all the ins and outs of the Garden and each plotters responsibilities.

And for all of last year's plotters who haven't reserved their plots for this year, the time is now! We've sold out for the past three seasons by May and we're quickly approaching that time. And if you have any friends, family or cool acquaintances who would like to get involved by volunteering to tend one or two of the Food Bank plots please let me know. It's a great way to help our community and meet some really cool gardeners.

So get the word out and let others know we still have some plots available. Here is our website to get all the info and forms. Just click here and you're on your way to participating in our 6th Season at the Community Garden.

Your Partners in Thyme,

Elissa, Michelle, Mary Catherine, Christie & Pat

1/5/14: We are now selling plots for the 2014 Season.

10/11/13: Now pre-selling plots for the 2014 Season (application/waiver forms available in the garden shed, or on this website).

10/5/13: Garden Wrap Up (2013 Season)

Hello all of you Foodies!

Most importantly we want to thank all of you for making our fifth season at the Community Garden another great success! We've had so many great compliments about this project and how wonderful it is to see all the fantastic flowers, berries and veggies on display. And a special thanks to those of you (and we know who you are!) who put in the extra time and effort to keep the lawn cut, the weeds trimmed, the berries watered and the Food Bank plots producing. What a gift!

It's that time of the season to grab your shovels, pitchforks and a flask of brandy and get your beds prepared for the spring. Saturday, October 5th at 10:00 a.m. (rain date Sunday 10/6) we are all gathering to harvest any surviving vegetables and clean up all of the plots that still have remnants of veggies gone by.

Those of you who want to grow stiff neck garlic should bring your garlic cloves and some straw to cover them over the winter. I will be planting my next year's garlic and I use about 3 inches of straw to cover for the winter

Now, whether you are returning next season or not (and you'd better have a good reason for not!), everyone is responsible for cleaning up their plot(s) from this season. That's part of the process and makes everything that much easier in the spring. And any of you who have a wheel barrow and a pitchfork, please bring them along for the day. We'll be digging and hauling and will need the extra tools.

You also will want to reserve your plots for next season. The good news is that pricing will remain the same. The new forms and maps will be on the garden website by the end of the month so check it out and grab yourself a plot or two. Here's the website info: .

And lest we forget, did you know that our library has a seed bank? If anyone who saved seed wants to share them with the community, please bring some seeds to the work day.

So mark your calendars for this Saturday, October 6 (or 7th) @ 10:00 a.m. and dress in layers. The importance of everyone participating needs no explanation. Just be prepared to have some laughs and share some of your veggie victories. And if you have some gardening questions for the new season, bring them along. Our resident experts will be there to help you have an even better season next year.

We look forward to seeing all of you and again want to thank you for a fabulous gardening season. See you soon!

Your Partners in Thyme,

Elissa, Louella, Mary Catherine, Christie, Michelle and Pat

4/27/13 Update: First garden "Playday" of 2013 is Saturday April 27th at 10am+

We will start at 10:00 a.m. and finish when we're too pooped to throw shi*(manure) at one another. If the 13th doesn't work weather wise then Saturday April 20th will be the next date. As long as there's sun (mostly) and 50+ degrees we will be there.

Here's what's happening and what you'll need to bring (if you have) to get the garden ready for action:

1. Portable drill with star bits (we have the screws). We will repair any of the beds in need of fixin'

2. A wheelbarrow. There are two at the garden but we will need more.

3. A shovel and /or pitchfork. Again we have shovels but we'll need more so everyone can fix there own plots

4. A staple gun for putting new numbers on beds. I have made up new numbers and laminated them.

5. Someone who can fix the shed door so it stays shut. Not sure what it needs besides someone who knows what they're doing!

6. Gloves for those with tender, clean hands.

We are still in need of compost and or seasoned manure. I have put an ad in freecycle but haven't heard anything. If anyone knows where we can get several loads of either please have them contact me (265-9828). Otherwise plotters will need to provide their own soil amendments.

Here's what we'll be accomplishing on April 13, April 20, or....

• Fix all beds that have come apart during the winter

• Till all soil in beds and add amendments to all beds (compost/manure) - Must be safe - No Broadleaf content

• Finish laying down highway cloth and bark where needed

• Put new numbers on all beds

• Check all hoses and faucets for leaks

• Fix shed door

• Weeding in all areas of garden as needed

• Mowing/weed whacking as needed

10/13/12 Update: our first "end of the season" work day is scheduled for Saturday, Oct 13th at 10am. If we have rain, we'll change the work date to the following Saturday. Please make sure you clean up your own plots, remove all but the perennials, and place the plant waste on the compost pile. Corn stalks & sunflowers should be placed in the dumpster. Thanks!

5/7/12 Update:

Thank you CAL (Community Assistance League) for your grant to the garden!!! This will help us pay for the garden water, as well as our project to lay road fabric & bark in all the pathways.

Also, just a reminder....Saturday May 12th looks like the perfect morning to finish up the paths and any little sprucing up there might be. We'll start at 10:00 a.m. and quit by noon. Anyone with a wheel barrel please bring and I will do the same. You'll have time to plant and tend to your plots as well. So please participate and we'll have it finished in no time. Now, there were two loads of shredded bark delivered and the dumpster will be delivered tomorrow.

4/29/12 Update:

Please join us for our 2nd workday of the year, Saturday, May 12th at 10am. We will finish laying the road fabric and bark in the walkways. Some announcements & feedback & a big thanks to all who helped out yesterday:

What a great group of humans you are! This was a truly inspiring day for all. We were able to get the biggest portion of our garden beautified and got to meet new peeps in the process. It was really fun to watch all the little ones helping the parents. And I bet they're not sore this a.m.!

We are planning on getting at least two more loads of bark delivered this week along with the dumpster and getting the water turned on. I forgot to let all of the Newbies know where the water "turn on" & "turn off" is. The manual main spigot is located right by the baseball diamond backstop along Lake St. All you do is lift the handle and it's on.

If you are the last person in the garden (a.m. or p.m.) and are ready to leave, please make sure you go and turn the main spigot OFF by pushing the handle down. The water is really expensive (and precious) so if you are the last one to leave at any point in the day, please turn the main water off.

There will be a calendar put in the shed for signing up for mowing, weed whacking and tending to our bushes around the perimeter of the garden. The bushes will need weeding and watering on a weekly basis as well. Thanks Bill for starting our season off by mowing and whacking yesterday. It just makes everything look even prettier! We'll need four volunteers for the month of May to handle these tasks. Please email to me which week you are available and we will post it in the shed. The weeks in May are: 5/6, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27.

Speaking of shed, thanks Jack for fixing the door; picking up the highway cloth; offering to brace our Community Garden sign and tending to two of the Food Bank beds! Your skills are really appreciated! We have soooooo much talent in our community group.

Also Bryan Cox & family has offered to supply the garden with free mulch. All we have to do is go pick it up and he'll load the trucks. To arrange a pickup, please contact Bryan at 360-870-7333 and let him know you're coming. Thanks Bryan!

Our next Play Day will be on Saturday, May 12 @ 10:00 a.m. We'll be putting on the final touches (finish aisles, plant etc). Once we get the bark I will be willing to meet some folks at the garden and get a jump on finishing the aisles. I'll let everyone know when bark is in.

By the way, our wonderful neighbors Brad and Lynda Scott will be opening up an outdoor Swap Meet in the Event Center parking lot and areas around the building. Here's the scoop:

Start Date: Sunday, May 20th and continues every Sunday through the summer (and quite possibly indoors for the winter)

Opening time: Vendors may start at 7:30 a.m. for setup - Open to the public at 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Vendor Cost - $30 for a 10' x 10' space

Contact - Lynda or Brad Scott - Email address: not available at this moment but I will send it on when I receive

This is such a cool idea! So if you are interested in selling stuff you're never going to use again or are a "crafty" person who makes their own jewelry, woodworking, baked goods or anything in between then contact Lynda and Brad and get your space reserved. And think about sharing a space (and cost) with someone.

So that's it for the moment. We've kicked off the season and what a great start it has been. Thanks again to all of you wonderful plotters and volunteers.

4/26/2012 Update:

Please join us at 10am, this Saturday April 28th at the garden site. We will be giving a garden orientation to new "plotters", doing Spring clean-up, laying road fabric and bark in the aisles and answering any questions you may have. See you then!

3/14/2012 Update:

Good morning All,

Well. I've gotten three ripe tomatoes, two zucchini and four eggplant so far this 2012 season. A gardener can dream can't she? Lots to talk about before we get our gardens growing. And please note the attachment. Elissa emailed this to me and it's a calendar of gardening classes that are being offered in conjunction with the Master Gardeners. All the details are in the attachment. Some good stuff!

So here's the dirt on this year's 4th season at the Community Garden:

1. PARKING - We can no longer park in the annex parking area. This is effective immediately. I spoke with Brad Scott our neighbor on the other side of the fence in building by the shed. He has graciously offered to allow us to use the parking area right near his building on his side of the fence. He is also going to allow us to put our dumpster in his gravel parking area. We will put a lock on the dumpster this year and keep the key in the shed. It is important that no one parks in last years area or I'll be getting phone calls and I don't mean the good kind.

2. FOOD BANK PLOTS - We will again be designating a dozen plots for the Food Bank. We have asked for volunteers (don't have to be plotters) from the community to help us by assuming responsibility for these plots. We will assign specific plots to each volunteer and they will participate from planting to delivering veggies to the Food Bank. If we are unable to get enough volunteers, then the plotters will each be asked to oversee at least one bed each. If anyone knows some people who have wanted to help out in the community but haven't figured out how, this is a great way to start. Have them email me at and we'll get them active. I can't think of a more rewarding way to give back our community members in need of fresh food. It doesn't cost the volunteers a thing. Okay dirty fingernails, sore muscles, and a little of their thyme but the garden will supply the seeds, soil and water and of course some fun along the way. So please get out their and recruit!

3. 1st PLAY DAY - I'm thinkin' the 3rd (April 21) or 4th (April 28th) Saturday in April might be a good time to fix up our garden and ready it for the season. Of course mother nature may have different plans but as long as it's not raining we can take care of biz. And some more good new is that the city is going to pickup and deliver a couple of big loads of shredded bark and a load of organic soil for us! A big thanks to Kim and his crew at Parks & Rec for offering this. We will probably get all of this delivered in a week or two so we'll be ready for our play day.

4. SEED SHARING - Kevin, one of our plotters, suggested that anyone who has seeds remaining after planting that they put the extras in the shed so that others may use. Thanks Kevin!

5. PLOTS STILL AVAILABLE - We lowered the prices on the plots and we still have several ready to be loved. Go to our garden website (thanks Elissa for this) and download the documents and send them along with a check to our P.O. Box that is listed on the site. Please get the word out to your community of friends and let them know there's still time to join us.

That's it for now. You'll be hearing from us again in the very near future as we get closer to opening up for our 4th season. Enjoy the cold weather while you can (Ugh!) and we'll see you in about a month, Mother Nature willing.

Your Partners in Thyme,

Elissa, Christie, Michelle, Louella, Mary Catherine & Pat

April 28th (Saturday) first work day at the garden! — Apr 26, 2012 5:27:31 PM

4/23 & 4/30/11 Work Days at the Garden — Apr 24, 2011 10:03:03 PM

Mid-winter update (1/26/11) — Jan 26, 2011 5:40:21 PM

"Putting our beds to rest" work day 10/23/10 (Saturday) @ 10am — Oct 18, 2010 9:20:11 PM

Fall Cleanup Work Day at the Garden (9/25/10) — Sep 4, 2010 8:45:21 PM

July 12, 2010 6pm — Jul 1, 2010 5:38:28 PM

4th of July Parade — Jul 1, 2010 5:37:10 PM

Garden update, etc. (June 10, 2010) — Jun 10, 2010 7:06:52 PM

Garden Wish List — Jun 10, 2010 7:04:11 PM

***Rain postponement - Garden Class now Monday May 24th @ 6pm*** — May 17, 2010 4:50:49 PM

Garden Orientation (9am Saturday, May 8th) — May 6, 2010 6:48:38 PM

CAL Grant Award 2010 — Apr 6, 2010 6:54:46 PM

Spring 2010 Workdays — Mar 15, 2010 3:44:33 AM

Monthly Potluck (STI) — Jan 7, 2010 2:02:50 AM