2022 Salt Lake Christmas Tour & Class Schedule

This Page is still listing a 2019 Schedule, but will be updated as soon as possible.


11:00-6:00 Join in the fun in the hospitality area set up in the Salt Lake Room

1:00-5:00 pm If you are in town, the Library Discovery Center on the FHL first floor is now open for 4 hours on Sunday!

7:00 Start Out Right Tonight - Use Research Proof Codes - taught by Loni Gardner


8:00 am - Welcome/Introductions

9:00-5:00 - Research in the Family History Library

8:30 - What's New With the Family History Library & FamilySearch – taught by Raymon Naisbitt

10:30 - Getting the Most Out of Your Research in the Family History Library – taught by Stan Lindaas

11:30 - LUNCH – on your own.

1:00 pm - AncestryDNA FAQs - taught by Regina Negrycz - followed by an hour of one-on-one DNA analysis in the library.

2:15 - A New Look at Brick Walls: The Genealogy N.I.N.J.A. - taught by Dan Earl.

3:30 - Get Organized With Research Logs - taught by Lisa Alzo

6:00 - SLCT Annual Dinner - with David Rencher, AG®, CG®, FIGRS, FamilySearch CGO & Family History Library Director


8:00am-9:00pm - Research in the Family History Library

8:00 am - What's New in the DNA World? taught by Regina Negrycz- followed by an hour of one-on-one DNA Analysis in the lib.

9:15 - Be a FamilySearch Expert - taught by Holly Hansen

10:30 - Coming to Your Census: Using State Census Records - taught by Dan Earl

11:30 - LUNCH – on your own.

1:00 pm - Germanic Civil and Church Records Research - taught by Kevan Hansen

2:15 - Going Wayback: Using the Internet Archive in Your Research - taught by Dan Earl

3:30 - Did Your Ancestors Serve in the American Revolution? - Taught by Arlene Eakle

4:45 - The 10 Most Overlooked Resources for Eastern European Research - taught by Lisa Alzo

7:00 - Legacy Users Group - led by Loni Gardner


8:00am-9:00pm - Research in the Family History Library

8:00 am - Your Virginia Ancestors: Using Basic Sources to Bypass Record Loss - Part 1 - taught by Arlene Eakle

9:00am-5:00pm w/ break for lunch - One-on-One DNA Analysis with Regina Negrycz - on 2nd floor of of the Family History Library

9:15 - The Old Line State: Introduction to Maryland Research - taught by Dan Earl

10:30 - Researching Your Eastern European Roots Over Here and Over There – taught by Lisa Alzo

11:30 - LUNCH – on your own.

1:00 pm - Scandinavian Immigration - taught by Tone Halverson

2:15 - Your Virginia Ancestors: Using Basic Sources to Bypass Record Loss - Part 2 - taught by Arlene Eakle

3:30 - Researching the Great Lakes States: Beginning Michigan Research - taught by Daniel Earl

4:45 - Using Ethnic Newspapers and Publications for Genealogy Research – taught by Lisa Alzo

7:00 - RootsMagic Software - taught by Bruce Buzbee


8:00am-9:00pm - Research in the Family History Library

8:00 am - What Do I Do With the X-Chromosome? - by Regina Negrycz, followed by an hour of one-on-one DNA Analysis at the Library

9:15 - Scots-Irish Research. Getting Them over the Water - taught by Dwight Radford

10:30 - Timelines: Back to the Future of Your Research- taught by Dan Earl

11:30 - LUNCH – on your own.

1:00 pm - New England Research: Sources, Strategies, and Methodologies - taught by Arlene Eakle

2:15 - Benelux Research - Locating Your Family in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands - taught by Kevan Hansen

3:30 - Living on Cloud 9: Genealogy Beyond the Binder - taught by Dan Earl

4:45 - Why Church Records Are Important - taught by Holly Hansen

7:00 - New Features for Family Tree Maker 2019 & How it Works With DNA Matrix Reports - Presented by Mark Olsen


8:00am-9:00pm - Research in the Family History Library

8:00 am - Using and Comparing Online City Directory Databases - taught by Regina Negrycz

9:15 - Show, Don't Tell: Creative Nonfiction Writing for Genealogists – taught by Lisa Alzo

10:30 - Ancestors in Context: Putting History in Your Family History – taught by Dan Earl

11:30 - LUNCH – on your own.

1:00 pm - Irish Research on the Internet - taught by Dwight Radford

2:15 - Every Stone Tells a Story: The Cleaning and Care of Gravestones - taught by Dan Earl

3:30 - Open hour - nothing scheduled at this time.

4:45 - Probate Research for Genealogists - taught by Holly Hansen

7:00 - AncestARRRHS! The Life and Records of the Atlantic Pirates - Taught by Dan Earl


9:00am-5:00pm - Research in the Family History Library

10:15 am - Voices from the Past - Successfully Recording Oral History - taught by Stan Lindaas

11:30 - LUNCH – on your own.

5:00 pm - Farewell Dessert, Stories, Prizes, Fun, and Preregistration for the 2020 Salt Lake Christmas Tour

This schedule is subject to change.