Mormon's Keening

Op. 32 uses text from the Book of Mormon, Mormon Chapter 6, and portrays the aftermath of the great battle at Cumorah that destroyed the Nephites.

The text for this composition is in the file below.  The Baritone solo represents General Mormon, and the SATB choir represents all members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS Church).  The music is subtitled 'A Tribute to the Fallen of Ancient and Modern Times' - the text for General Mormon is taken from Mormon chapter 6, and in the first part the choir sings names of places associated with modern-day martyrdoms, such as Nauvoo and Carthage Jail.

'Keening' is a Celtic lament for the dead, which seemed appropriate to me given the time of this battle (Celtic tribes in Europe were fighting around this time).

The piece has 4 sections, which are continuous (no break between).  First is 'Aftermath of Battle' as Mormon ascends the Hill Cumorah and sees the vast field of the dead.  Then is 'Butcher Bill' (a traditional military term for the casualty list), where Mormon names 13 of his slain leaders while the choir echoes names of places associated with modern-day martyrdoms.  Third is the actual 'Keening', where Mormon and the choir lament for the dead.  The last section is 'Farewell' where they pray and bid goodbye to the slain.

Music files are accessible below.

Mormon's Keening - Cantata (Op.32)

