
I have worked for 20 years with children as a childminder and a nursery school assistant.

During this time I suffered a mental breakdown due to personal circumstances.

Whilst recovering I attended a writing group which I enjoyed thoroughly. I began to write books for children using some of my own life experiences as inspiration. For example; my own childhood experience with food was difficult in the early years, so I was keen to encourage children to eat healthy foods at an early age. To help them develop a better immune system than I had. This was my inspiration for the Emma Tate series.

My books are light hearted and fun. They hopefully spread the messages within them not only in healthy food, but safety and mental wellbeing too. Some books are historical, mathematical, and educational. They all have an underlying moral value hidden in a fun, childlike way.

I am now self published, and all my books are available to buy on Amazon, (links in the book section)

Please visit my Contact page for ways to get in touch with me. Thank you.