Biological Market examples

delayed plumage maturation

Our purple martin fairy tale in a nutshell

In need of an example to illustrate our ideas Peter Hammerstein and I (1994) made up a story about delayed plumage maturation in purple martins based on data published by Morton and co-workers (see references below). Our idea was that the preference of the dominant 'owners' of martin houses for clearly immature looking subordinate yearling males as subtenants would select for delayed plumage maturation. This would be an example of market selection driving by partner choice in cooperative interactions.

lazuli buntings

This form of market selection for delayed plumage maturation was later described for another colourful American bird, the lazuli bunting in a great paper by Greene and colleagues in 2000. Dominant lazuli buntings do not determine who occupies nearby nest holes, but who occupies adjacent territories. They select for delayed plumage maturation by only allowing yearlings with female-like plumage access to adjacent high-quality territories

last update: 14 OCT 20