The Forbidden Circle Game

played by the vervet monkeys of Loskop Dam nature reserve, South-Africa

The last paper we published about our market experiments withg vervets was:  Fruteau, C., van Damme, E., & Noë, R. (2013). Vervet monkeys solve a multiplayer “Forbidden Circle Game” by queuing to learn restraint. Current Biology, 23(8), 665-670.

 This is perhaps the best paper I ever authored, but not necessarily the easiest to understand. The most interesting part for the more theoretically inclined, is the game theoretical analysis by Eric van Damme, guided by my knowledge of the animals.

Fruteau etal 2013 forbidden circle (RNsite).mp4

This video shows one of the trials of the experiment

Below I present the story in the form I also use for talks;

last update: 6 OCT 2020