Getting Started

Let's start off with programs you would need to download:

0) Register with Rutgers to get a username and password to download ROMS.

1) ROMS program itself from Rutger's main website ( You'll have to use SVN for version 3.0 and up (link to ROMS SVN tutorial).

2) NetCDF from unidata site

3) Ensure you have a fortran compiler (gfortran or g95) (ifort, pgf90, xlf90, .......)

4) You probably have a C-compiler installed.

5) Matlab for preprocessing (another page for preprocessing)

Using SVN to get ROMS:

If you're using a mac and like to use a graphic interface for SVN, SmartSVN would be a great program to use.

1) Once you have SmartSVN installed, start it up and choose "check out project from repository"

2) Click on "Manage", then "Add"

SVN Location:

Repository Path: /svn/src/trunk

Continue filling other details and click on ok

3) Enter in local directory you would want to save ROMS in.

4) Continue on till you reach "Check Out".

5) Once you've "check out", SmartSVN will download ROMS into the local directory you've chosen.

6) Suggestion: tar and zip up the program so that you can port them to wherever you need. If you only need the nonlinear, forward model, you can do the following.

tar -cvf roms30_MMDDYY.tar ROMS/ Compilers/ Master/ makefile

gzip -cvf roms30_MMDDYY.tar > roms30_MMDDYY.tar.gz

Setting up NetCDF:

1) Download the version of NetCDF you'd like to use. (for example: netcdf-3.6.1.tar.gz)

2) Unzip and untar the file:

gunzip netcdf-3.6.1.tar.gz

tar xvf netcdf-3.6.1.tar

This should produce a directory called netcdf-3.6.1/ and should contain src/ as a subdirectory.

3) cd netcdf-3.6.1/src

./configure --prefix=SOME_DIR_LOCATION

make check

make install

If you just use ./configure, this would use the default installation directory. Otherwise, this is what you might expect. For example,

./configure --prefix=/home/guest/netcdf-3.6.1

then this will install the library in /home/guest/netcdf-3.6.1/lib, the header file in /home/guest/netcdf-3.6.1/include, and the utilities in /home/guest/netcdf-3.6.1/bin

4) So now, when you set up ROMS and have to specify the directories for NETCDF, you would know where the paths are. For example,

cd Compilers/


NETCDF_INCDIR ?= /home/guest/netcdf-3.6.1/include

NETCDF_LIBDIR ?= /home/guest/netcdf-3.6.1/lib