ECMWF Datasets

ECMWF Data server

a). data from the DEMETER project : several coupled models have been run to produce the hindcasts

b). data from the ECMWF 15 Years Re-Analysis : usually calls it as ERA15 data The ERA-15 production system generated re-analyses from December 1978 to February 1994. The following observations were used:

I. FGGE Level II-B data for 1978/79;

II. COADS ship and buoy observations;

III. ALPEX Level II-B data;

IV. ECMWF archive of observations received via the WMO GTS;

V. additional TEMP and AIREP data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA);

VI. Australian PAOB surface pressure pseudo-observations from Bureau of Meteorology (BoM), Melbourne;


VIII. TOVS Cloud Cleared Radiance data;

IX. Hadley Centre GISST and NCEP SST analyses.

c). data from the ECMWF 40 Years Re-Analysis : usually calls it as ERA40 data, The new reanalysis project ERA-40 will cover the period from mid-1957 to 2001 including the earlier ECMWF reanalysis ERA-15, 1979-1993, The three dimensional variational technique will be applied using the T159L60 version of the Integrated Forecasting System to produce the analyses every six hours. Analysis involves comprehensive use of satellite data, starting from the early Vertical Temperature Profile Radiometer data in 1972, then later including TOVS, SSM/I, ERS and ATOVS data. Cloud Motion Winds will be used from 1979 onwards.

d). ENACT data (in development) :

e) Atlantic THORPEX Regional Campaign (A-TreC) dataset : The Atlantic THORPEX Regional Campaign (A-TreC) data sets have been created according to the A-TreC SOP Observation Matrix - Version 3 updated 23rd of March 2004. The SOP took place from 17/10/2003 to 15/12/2003. During the Special Observing Period (SOP) in addition to the standard WMO observing system the additional drop sondes, land based radio sondes, high frequency AMDAR reports, radiosondes from ASAP ships and rapid-scan winds from geostationary satellites were available. The data are organized by calendar date in 24 hour slots.