test blade video and fundraiser knife

hammer blade test 13 March 2018.mp4

This is a test blade I made from a piece of scrap to see how much abuse the steel I use to make my knives will take. The hammer is a soft face ball peen. I have sanded the grooves out of the hammer face several times. the steel is proprietary 1075

I would never do this to a knife I made or any other knife (direct link to video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FzcKSzmQ9CzlZccwpiLM7MXb7JlQELZl/view?usp=sharing )

In the test blade video you might have caught a glimpse of this knife. 

A friend told me about a police officer that had a stroke and his wife was about to have a baby.

I made this knife to help raise money to help them out and a fellow officer bought it. 

We went to my friends shop to use his mill to drill pinholes in the tang and here is the finished kife.

This is the other side and the marks are smudges he put on the knife when he took the pictures.  

The wood is Tiger Maple that has been dyed Grey.

link to full size pictures
