Frequently Asked Questions

What is the mission statement of ReServe?

ReServe, Inc. seeks to enhance the lives of retired adults and to strengthen their communities by identifying qualified retired professionals to work in stipended service opportunities at local nonprofit and public agencies and providing ongoing support to both. Visit www.reserveinc.org for more information.

What is the goal of READY?

The goal of READY is to increase college awareness, application, and acceptance rates of New York City students by providing support and resources for the students and college counselors.

Will I receive training to be a READY ReServist?

Yes. ReServists will be trained in one or more of our target areas: college essay writing, college applications, and financial aid. READY ReServists may also receive training from their host school's college counselor. In addition, READY will be hosting a monthly workshop with ReServists to provide training in special topics and discuss best practices.

How many hours a week will I work?

On average, READY ReServists work 15 hours per week.

Will I be able to work near where I live?

It's possible, though it depends on the school's location. Currently, most of our schools are in Brooklyn and the Bronx. However, we are actively developing partnerships with high schools in each of the 5 boroughs.

What will my relationship be with the school's college advisor?

You are in the school to provide the college advisor with support where it is most needed. He or she will be your supervisor and will specify a job description and necessary training needs. We endeavor to place ReServists that fulfill the needs of each of our participating high schools.

Do I need to get fingerprinted to work in a school?

Yes. You will have to be fingerprinted at the DOE's HR Connect. Visit http://schools.nyc.gov/Offices/DHR/Fingerprinting+Employee+IDs+and+Smart+Cards.htm for more information.

Can I hold more than one ReServe placement?

Yes, as long as the hours don't conflict.

How much and when do I get paid?

READY ReServists get paid every two weeks. You will earn $10/hour.

Where can I send my friends who want to apply to ReServe?

Go to www.reserveinc.org and click 'Apply Online.' The first step in the process is to attend a First Impressions Information Session.

What are useful websites I should know?

NYC Schools: schools.nyc.gov

Financial Aid: www.fafsa.ed.gov

Scholarship Information: www.fastweb.com

Additional Questions?

Feel free to contact any of our staff.