d. USB cable

OSD can work with any kind of serial cable at TTL standard ( 0V - 5V only )

It can be any RS232-UART bridge made on MAX232 or similar chip , or any USB-UART bridge doing the same .

There are few manufactures of USB-UART chips on market .

With OSD are delivered types of cables as follow, you can identify each by label on particularly cable :




OSD will work also with :





Each type of USB cable need to be installed on PC .

For each type we must use proper USB drivers - so for Prolific we must use Prolific , for MCCI we using MCCI etc.

USB drivers download here 10. Downloads

Very popular is FTDI cable, so it is used for many other devices and also can be used for OSD, cable from Ardupilot also , it is almost pin compatible with OSD .


USB drivers installation problem

When you have USB drivers installation problems under Vista or Win7 64bit - you can run virtual machine with installed regular winXP 32bit on your PC from Microsoft .

here is the link http://www.microsoft.com/windows/virtual-pc/default.aspx

Some of basic type Windows systems not allow to use those MS virtual machine , so you can use a very good virtual machine named VMware http://www.vmware.com/ - what in my opinion is very nice solution , allow to run any winXP , Linux or even MACOS on your PC .

That is general solution for any driver-software problems under 64bit Win systems .

Look at Free Products, VMPlayer is free http://www.vmware.com/products/player/overview.html

If still have problems - you can write to MS and ask them , why they made system not compatible with previous versions .